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Xi Jinping calls for ethnic unity in Tibet after US lawmakers, Dalai Lama meet

Xi Jinping calls for ethnic unity in Tibet after US lawmakers, Dalai Lama meet


By Tenzin Nyidon

DHARAMSHALA, June 25: Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called for ethnic unity during his visit to a college for Tibetans Golok and the Tibetan Buddhist temple Hongjue in the so-called Qinghai (Amdo) province of Tibet. The visit follows the high-profile meeting between U.S. lawmakers and Tibetan government-in-exile officials, as well as their meeting with the Dalai Lama in India.

Xi stressed the need to foster a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and strengthen love for both the country and religion within Tibetan Buddhism. He urged party officials and government officials to promote national unity in the province, whose population is majority Tibetan. Xi also called for respect for the Sinicization of religion and better management of religious affairs and places.

The remarks came after a delegation of U.S. lawmakers, led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, met with the Dalai Lama and visited the central Tibetan administration in Dharamshala, India. The lawmakers said they would not allow China to influence the choice of the Dalai Lamas' successor and indicated that Washington would pressure Beijing to hold negotiations with Tibetan leaders, as mandated by the Resolve Act. Tibet, adopted by both the US Congress and Parliament. U.S. Senate with bipartisan support.

In response, China's Foreign Ministry reiterated its position on Thursday, saying the Dalai Lama must think deeply and completely correct his policy proposals for negotiations to resume with Beijing. Formal negotiations between China and representatives of the Dalai Lamas have stalled since 2010.

Beijing condemned the recently passed Resolve Tibet law, insisting that Tibet is an inseparable part of China and rejecting outside interference. Chinese officials urged the United States to recognize the sensitivity of Tibet-related issues, respect China's core interests, refrain from dialogue with representatives of the Dalai Lamas, and stop sending messages misleading to the international community.




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