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Only four prime ministers in Britain have been in office longer than Larry here before taking office in 2020. Kirsty Oconnor/PA Wire/dpa
Only four prime ministers in Britain have been in office longer than Larry here before taking office in 2020. Kirsty Oconnor/PA Wire/dpa dpa

From Cameron to Sunak, Larry had it all. And the cat is the only one people can't kick out of Downing Street.

With British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak likely to soon have to leave Number Ten, the secret master of the house with the famous black door is keen to see who moves in with him. Because Larry, as Chief Mouser, the UK's largest museum and the country's best-known cat, will welcome Keir Starmer, the sixth Prime Minister, in a few days. According to all polls, his social-democratic Labor Party is heading for a historic victory in the general elections, and Starmer could then replace Sunak as head of government.

The constant, even in times of political turmoil, is to wear fur. Larry has worked in central London for 13.5 years. This means he has lived in Downing Street longer than any prime minister since the late 19th century; only four heads of government have been in office longer.

It was David Cameron who brought Larry from an animal shelter to his official residence in February 2011. The objective: to stop the rat plague. Evil tongues claim that Chief Mouser abandoned the task after the first successes.

Apparently rather lazy

But that doesn't change his popularity: even under Cameron's successors, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and now Sunak, he has remained in his post. When rumors emerged in 2023 about the tabby's alleged poor health, the government was quick to point out that Larry was happy and healthy.

As a public figure, Larry also has an unofficial account on the X platform. With around 840,000 followers, @Number10cat easily outranks many members of the government. The posts often contain critical and satirical comments on current politics and the Prime Minister's statements, combined with photos of Larry and cat memes. There is an individual behind this, the details are not known. But anyone reading these articles can be sure: Internet Larry is not a friend of the Conservatives. The narrative regularly targets his temporary flatmate Sunak.

The real Larry wouldn't be a very likeable character. At least if former Prime Minister Boris Johnson is to be believed. Sunak's predecessor once accused the cat in his Daily Mail tabloid column of being a petty gangster. Larry repeatedly attacked Johnson's dog, Dilyn, while he was chewing his food. The retaliation was terrible, said the politician known for his flowery remarks. The cat is built like a sumo wrestler and has the claws of a velociraptor. Dilyn was terribly frightened and avoided every place where he might encounter Catzilla.

Sunak and Johnson's Conservatives are also likely to start suffering soon. It is not yet clear how Starmer, probably the new resident of Downing Street, reacts to the animal. The only thing that is certain is that Larry himself probably does not care who the prime minister is he leads. Benedikt von Imhoff, dpa




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