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Five takeaways from PM Modi's parliamentary speech

Five takeaways from PM Modi's parliamentary speech


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Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday interacted with the media ahead of the first session of the 18th Lok Sabha. In his usual speech, he exuded confidence and reiterated his commitment to the search for consensus in the service of the nation. As the dynamics of the 18th Lok Sabha changed markedly – ​​the National Democratic Alliance's (NDA) seat count declined by around 60 seats and friendly parties faced a rout – his speech assumes great significance.

Modi mentioned five key groups in his speech.

1. The Indian public

First, the Prime Minister said in his speech that his government would constantly seek to involve everyone in serving the country and its people, and expressed its determination to build a “shreshtha' (best) and 'viking' (developed) Bharat. Modi also decided to fulfill the dreams of the people as per the guidelines of the Constitution.

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This can be seen in the context where the BJP had to vehemently counter the opposition's election pitch that it would attempt to amend the Constitution. Prime Minister Modi, in order to assert that the NDA will do no such thing, has decided to protect the Constitution as well as India's democratic traditions.

2. BJP Supporters

Second, Modi had a message for his supporters. The BJP's total of 240 seats, although lower than its initial expectations and 30 short of the majority, is no small feat. This election, Modi said, is important because it is only the second government after independence to return for a third consecutive term. It is, he said, a public nod to his intentions, his policies and his dedication.

3. Newly elected MPs

Third, the Prime Minister urged the newly elected MPs – the first to take oath in the new Parliament building – to engage in fruitful discussions and contribute to building a new and developed India. Highlighting the need for inclusive development and expediting decision-making within the framework of the Constitution, Modi said he was happy with the number of young MPs taking oath in the 18th Lok Sabha.

4. Cabinet Ministers

Fourth, Modi urged his ministers not to get distracted and create a road map to make India a developed country. He stressed that with this third term, the government's responsibility has also tripled. He also assured citizens that his government would work three times harder and produce three times more results.

5. Opposition parties

Finally, highlighting the principle of 3Cs: consensus, cooperation and coordination, Modi said, “We believe that a majority is necessary to run the government, but consensus is very important to run the country.”

However, starting off on the right foot in Parliament, the Prime Minister launched a scathing attack on the Congress as India marked the 50th anniversary of the imposition of Emergency. In his address to the media ahead of the House session, he said June 25 was a “black spot” for the country's democracy, adding that Indian youth would notice how the Constitution had been abandoned and the country transformed into prison during this period.

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Modi also gave some advice to the opposition: “India needs a responsible opposition, people want content, not slogans; they want debate, diligence, not drama and disruption in Parliament. I hope the opposition will live up to the expectations of the people… I am confident that the MPs who have won will strive to meet those expectations.”

Interestingly, the tone of the Prime Minister's speech, both conciliatory and aggressive, suggests one important thing: the BJP may have suffered a setback, but it has no intention of letting the opposition do what she wants.

(Amitabh Tiwari is a political strategist and commentator. In his previous avatar, he was a corporate and investment banker.)

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author




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