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Undecided voters are the reward for Biden and Trump in Thursday's presidential debate • Oregon Capital Chronicle

Undecided voters are the reward for Biden and Trump in Thursday's presidential debate • Oregon Capital Chronicle


President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will have a crucial opportunity to reach undecided voters and set the terms of the 2024 presidential campaign during Thursday night's debate in Atlanta.

Partisans on both sides have already decided which candidate they will support. And because this year's race constitutes a rematch of 2020, many Americans have already formed strong, even immutable, opinions about the candidates.

Still, a significant group of voters have yet to decide who they will support in November, Christopher Stout, a political science professor at Oregon State University, said in an interview with States Newsroom.

On the one hand, opinions about Joe Biden and Donald Trump are entrenched, Stout said. On the other hand, many people don't pay any attention to politics and this is the first time they are thinking about the 2024 elections.

For Biden, a major goal will be to show voters that the 81-year-old outgoing president can be forceful and forceful, Stout and political strategists said.

Trump, 78, could focus on appealing to middle-of-the-ideological voters and wavering Republicans who want a conservative candidate but are turned off by the former president's antics.

In political matters, each candidate has issues on which he will capitalize as assets. Trump will likely pressure Biden on immigration and inflation, while Biden will no doubt be eager to criticize Trump on reproductive rights.

The debate, sponsored by CNN, will be moderated by the Jake Tapper and Dana Bash Networks and will begin at 9 p.m. Eastern Time with no studio audience. It is expected to last 90 minutes and will be broadcast live on CNN with simulcast available for other cable and broadcast networks.

Each candidate's microphone will be muted while the other speaks. No accessories are allowed, but each man will receive a pen, notepad and bottle of water, CNN reported.

Can Trump be boring?

Trump could gain ground among moderate and independent voters by showing stability.

After winning the presidency in 2016, Trump lost to Biden in 2020, as Republican-leaning voters grew tired of his unorthodox style and tendency to create scandals.

“If he’s boring and like a typical politician, that’s going to be a big advantage for him,” Stout said. “If he looks like a typical politician and he seems more moderate, then there is an opportunity to bring back a group of voters who were once Republican and have now left the party.”

At the same time, there probably won't be too much downside for Trump if he goes off-script because voters now expect outlandish comments and behavior, Republican strategist Doug Heye said.

Donald Trump is going to say something crazy, Heye said. All of this is taken into account and it doesn't change anyone's mind.

Heye cited Trump's recent remarks about shark attacks, electrocution by oversized batteries and taking off his shirt to reveal psychic wounds inflicted by his political opponents.

In a move reminiscent of his reality TV past, Trump teased a possible announcement of his vice presidential pick during the debate.

But even if voters expect a certain degree of eccentricity from Trump, that won't help him win over undecided voters who will decide the election, said Rodell Molineau, co-founder and partner of Washington-based strategy firm ROKK Solutions and election veteran. Democratic campaigns.

“If you're actually trying to reach voters, I don't see how Trump's speeches, his speeches about crazy conspiracy theories, are helping him win over independent voters,” Molineau said.

Trump will face an additional challenge if he tries to resemble a traditional presidential candidate: his 34 felony convictions in New York as of last month and the three other felony prosecutions pending against him, including two related to his efforts to overturn his 2020 election defeat that led to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.

I'm watching to see how he talks or doesn't talk about his many legal alliances, his conviction and everything that hangs over his head, Molineau said.

Can Biden be energetic?

Biden faces different questions that he must answer.

Voters have doubts about the outgoing president's ability, in part because of his age, his tendency to slur his speech and a concerted effort by Republicans and GOP-aligned media to portray Biden as having overachieved its peak.

I think Biden is going to partly try to overcome the image that Trump and Republicans in general have managed to create, said Charles Bullock, a political science professor at the University of Georgia. They've been working on this for at least five years now, and it's a picture of Biden being too old, not physically or mentally capable of continuing to serve as president for another four years.

Biden countered that narrative, at least temporarily, with an exuberant performance during the State of the Union address this year, several observers said.

Matching that energy will help him have a positive debate, they said.

But Heye noted that despite rave reviews from Democrats, the president's performance in the State of the Union address did not improve his standing in the polls.

The Democrats' response was a game-changer, Heye said. And if we look at the polls, the situation has not changed at all.

Biden would also benefit from reminding voters of his political record and comparing it to Trump's, Stout and Molineau said.

It would benefit him if he could talk about politics, Stout said. People don't know what he did and so perhaps we hope to inform people and influence the electorate.

Biden should target voters on the left by reminding them of his accomplishments on climate and the environment as well as his administration's efforts to create jobs, Stout said.

Molineau added that Biden needs to remind voters of Trump's tumultuous time in office and his accomplishments so far, while balancing that message with recognition that many Americans are unhappy.

A first debate

The debate, which will be broadcast from CNN headquarters in Georgia, will take place much earlier than usual in the election cycle, even before the party conventions that typically symbolize the start of the general election.

The candidates agreed to the unusual schedule after rejecting a proposal from the Commission on Presidential Debates, a nonpartisan organization that has organized the events for decades, typically including three meetings between presidential candidates and one between vice presidential candidates.

All debates generally take place in the fall.

This year's June schedule could give candidates a chance to advance the race, as many voters will tune into the contest for the first time.

But the nearly 19 weeks remaining before Election Day could also mean that a candidate with a weak performance will have time to recover, or that a strong performance could decline.

I don't believe anyone is going to win or lose the election this week, Molineau said.

Bullock, the Georgia professor, disagreed.

Due to the unpopularity of both candidates and the feeling that voters will choose the one they view as the lesser of two evils, either could be the final straw for voters , did he declare.

They might hear something come out of one of them's mouth and say, 'Yeah, that's it,'” Bullock said. It's the drop of water that makes the vase overflow. I can't support this one. This helps me decide to go with the other person.

Ross Williams contributed to this report.




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