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Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham meets Chinese President Xi in Beijing

Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham meets Chinese President Xi in Beijing



Chinese President Xi Jinping received Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in Beijing on Wednesday, expressing his desire to “pursue modernization together.”

“China and Vietnam have maintained rapid economic development and long-term social stability, demonstrating the advantages of the socialist system,” Xi told Pham, who is on a working visit to China until Thursday. The Vietnamese leader also attended the 15th annual meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, northeast China's Liaoning Province, also known as Summer Davos.

Xi showed readiness “to work with Vietnam to build a Sino-Vietnamese community with a shared future and pursue modernization together,” according to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying.

He added that China has always considered Vietnam a priority in its “neighborhood diplomacy,” supporting it in pursuing a “socialist path suited to its national conditions.”

Pham, who also met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Monday, said Vietnam supports Beijing's position on Taiwan and “firmly adheres to the one-China principle.”

“Vietnam prioritizes deepening strategic mutual trust and pragmatic cooperation with China and building a strategically meaningful community with a shared future. This is Vietnam’s top priority and strategic choice in its foreign policy, and he will not allow himself to be influenced by external provocations or disruptions,” the Vietnamese prime minister said in comments published in Chinese state media.

At the World Economic Forum meeting on Tuesday, he said China will continue to play a “crucial role” in the global economy, particularly in promoting digital and green transformations, the circular economy and strengthening international economic integration and cooperation.

“We strongly encourage China to continue its commitment to working with the international community to vigorously uphold multilateralism, strengthen international solidarity and cooperation, and safeguard a peaceful, stable and cooperative environment for prosperous development in the region and around the world. “, he added.

The theme of this year's forum is Next Frontiers for Growth. The three-day event, from June 25-27, is expected to attract some 1,600 business leaders and managers.

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