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Jokowi asked to stop gambling and committing nepotism in regional elections

Jokowi asked to stop gambling and committing nepotism in regional elections


Jokowi asked to stop gambling and committing nepotism in regional elections
President Joko Widodo (left) accompanied by Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman (right) inspecting the water pump (ANTARA FOTO/Aloysius Jarot Nugroho)

Civil society, made up of the Indonesian Reform Rescue Front, wants President Joko Widodo to stop cheating in the 2024 regional elections (Pilkada). She also wants the president to stop practicing nepotism during regional elections.

Political and political observer Ray Rangkuti calls on the public to unite against the practice of nepotism and the president's political methods that openly overlap with democracy in Indonesia.

“We must reaffirm that yesterday's 98 activists reject all forms of nepotism practices. Especially the nepotism perpetrated by Pak Jokowi. In my opinion, this is just nepotism,” Ray said after a discussion on the dismantling corruption, collusion and nepotism in the central region. Jakarta, Wednesday (06/26).

Also read: Before regional elections, citizens are asked to be aware of Jokowi's populist political hypnosis

“There are no more measures, no more explanations. There is no more democracy. This has really crossed the mind of democracy, just because of an argument, 'the important thing is to be elected by the people.'

Ray finds that concern over corruption, collusion and nepotism also spreads to society at large. From the public trust index in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to the highest law enforcement institutions such as the Constitutional Court, it is also declining.

“This means that everyone is secretly recording everything that happens. There is a public feeling that all the icons of our democracy are in decline. This is felt by those who are part of it, the Corruption Eradication Commission, the Constitutional Court, which only makes this stuck situation worse, because social assistance is always implemented by the president,” Ray said.

Also read: Jokowi's political dynasty and nepotism contradict the sovereignty of the people

On the other hand, economic expert Anthony Budiawan also admitted that he was concerned about Indonesia's recent situation. He sees the need for fundamental and structural changes so that the future of Indonesian civilization can be saved.

“Change of leadership cannot be done as it is now. There must be a total, structural and fundamental change. This category is revolutionary change. If we look at the current leaders who only care about power , power is synonymous with wealth, it is What keeps the oppression of the people going has dissolved and there was the oppression that we are witnessing today,” Anthony said.

He hopes that all levels of society can act more massively to express total change.

“This change should not be just procedural, there are elections, etc. It’s just a matter of procedure,” he added.

“We know that Jokowi's whims have affected all aspects. Not only the presidential election, but also the regional elections, etc. All this must stop,” he concluded. (Dis/Z-7)




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