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No division, but strong divisions in the House | Political Pulse News


When Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Opposition Leader Rahul Gandhi shook hands and ushered newly-elected President Om Birla to his seat, the Lok Sabha came alive with the spirit of consensual but competitive politics.

But within hours, the momentary bonhomie gave way to the Treasury benches and the opposition digging into their well-established positions. It was enough for Om Birla to call on the Congress to condemn the Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi and celebrate its 50th anniversary.

The opposition immediately termed it a divisive statement, leading to the first disruption and an abrupt adjournment of the newly constituted 18th Lok Sabha. This suggests that orderly functioning of the House would be a challenge, despite the initial impression that a coalition government and a stronger opposition would lead to more give and take between the two camps.

The opposition, shattered by the government's refusal to give him the deputy speaker's post, had fielded its candidate, eight-term MP Kodikkunnil Suresh, for the speaker's post but did not press for a vote. While there were some weak demands for splitting the vote from the opposition benches, interim speaker Bhartruhari Mehtab said Prime Minister Modi's resolution appointing Birla as speaker was accepted and others were inconclusive.

When Union Minister and JD-U MP Rajiv Ranjan Singh asked about the vote, Mehtab said the statement had already been made. The opposition did not insist on division. Gandhi, who was appointed leader of the opposition on Tuesday, walked towards the treasury benches to congratulate Birla who was seated in the front row. Modi, Gandhi and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Rijijju led Birla to the podium and he occupied the chair for a second consecutive term.

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The issue of division has become controversial outside the Lok Sabha. While NDA leaders claimed that the opposition had refrained from seeking a vote as it did not have the figures, the Congress maintained that it would be appropriate if there was a consensus from day one and that it was a constructive step on our part. However, its ally, the Trinamool Congress, claimed that the Treasury department was not sure of its figures. The election was not conducted in accordance with the law…Several members requested division but were not allowed. The division did not happen because the NDA did not have enough numbers for its motion, TMC leader Kalyan Banerjee told reporters outside.

Inside the House, the opposition tried to send a strong message while congratulating the new Speaker. Unlike in the past, when the BJP enjoyed a clear majority, opposition leaders have made it clear that their voices must be heard given their large numbers. I am confident that you will allow us to represent our voice, to speak, to represent the voice of the people of India, Rahul Gandhi said.

Many others, including TMC's Sudip Bandhopadhyay and SP's Akhilesh Yadav, recalled the suspension of around 150 MPs in the last Lok Sabha. Akhilesh Yadav, leader of the Samajwadi Party (SP), the third-largest party in the House, hoped that steps like suspension of MPs would not be taken as it would undermine the dignity of the House. Bandyopadhyay said: I firmly believe and as far as parliamentary democratic practice is concerned, the House belongs to the opposition. This attitude must be adopted by the ruling party.

What struck the opposition was the over seven-minute emergency declaration in which Birla condemned the dark period in the country's democratic history and said the country's democratic values India were being crushed and freedom of expression was being strangled, which evaporated any sign. harmony in the House. This appeared to be an attempt to isolate the Congress in the INDIA bloc; and indeed, only the Congress MLAs stood up and started raising slogans.

The ruling BJP and its allies, for their part, demonstrated in front of the Makar Dwar of the new Parliament building. The MPs, including senior ministers, held banners reading Emergency Horrors: Some Things Never Change and Congress Reality Dictatorial Mentality and shouted: Mango Maafi, mango maafi, Emergency ke liye maafi mango.

Union ministers Ashwini Vaishnaw, Pralhad Joshi, Kiren Rijiju, Arjun Ram Meghwal, Gajendra Singh Sekhawat and Lalan Singh joined other MLAs in attacking the Congress.




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