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As Trump narrows VP options, a select few appear to be rising to the topExBulletin

As Trump narrows VP options, a select few appear to be rising to the topExBulletin


Republican vice-presidential candidates make their final speech to Donald Trump. The party convention is less than three weeks away, which doesn't leave much time for the former president to choose a running mate.


The way presidential campaigns work, a major party candidate must nominate a vice presidential candidate sometime before the convention, which for Republicans is less than three weeks away. Donald Trump is treating his vice presidential search much like his old days hosting “The Apprentice,” and the candidates are rushing to make their final sales pitches. NPR's Jeongyoon Han reports.

JEONGYOON HAN, BYLINE: The search for a vice president is happening exactly as former President Donald Trump wanted. He sparked intrigue around his choice, most recently in an interview with Fox News.


DONALD TRUMP: I kind of have a pretty good idea. Look, we have some really talented people. I have a pretty good idea.

HAN: And Republican strategist Ron Bonjean says Trump is intentionally fueling interest in this research.

RON BONJEAN: He wants the vice president choice to match his “Apprentice” style game, where the candidates are really trying to get the job.

HAN: Alex Conant, a Republican strategist, says Trump knows what he's looking for.

ALEX CONANT: Donald Trump wants to find a vice presidential candidate who can help him win.

HAN: He's someone who can attract moderates, independents and even Democrats. And Bonjean adds, the person must be vocal, loyal…

BONJEAN: And he's a fierce, tenacious attacker who can go on the offensive at any time on behalf of the president, no matter the situation.

HAN: So who's up for the challenge? Well, there's South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott. He showed his cards to Trump in January, shortly after dropping out of the presidential race.


TIM SCOTT: I just love you.

TRUMP: No. That's why he's a great politician.

HAN: Many of his Senate colleagues would agree. He is well respected as the only black Republican among them. Conant says his personal story, growing up poor and the son of a single mother, speaks to all Americans.

CONANT: I've never seen anyone light up a room like Tim Scott.

HAN: But Scott continues to defend Trump over January 6 and refuses to say whether he would accept the results of this year's election, which could alienate voters who disapprove of Trump's handling of the 2020 election. There's also Elise Stefanik, a New York congresswoman who also chairs the House Republican Conference.


ELISE STEFANIK: Are we ready to re-elect my good friend and your good friend, President Donald J. Trump?

HAN: Stefanik started her career as a reliable moderate, but has since shed that identity to become one of Trump's staunchest defenders, starting with those impeachment hearings in 2019. But since she's from a blue state , Bonjean says she probably wouldn't add anything to Trump's opinion. Electoral College Mathematics.

BONJEAN: What Trump gains is a messenger, but he doesn't get the votes he needs to secure the presidency.

HAN: Another name on the list is North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. He succeeded in the technology and software industries in the 2000s, making him a proven businessman, one whom Trump identifies with and values. Additionally, this means there is fundraising potential. This is Conant.

CONANT: I ​​don't think you'd pick someone just because they have a big checkbook, but, yeah, obviously Burgum has been very successful and could inject some money into the race.

HAN: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is another name getting attention. Conant worked for his 2016 presidential campaign.

CONANT: Rubio is someone who generally has a very positive message and would work very well in the general election, as he did in the Senate election he ran in Florida, where he did very well with voters moderates and independent voters.

HAN: Rubio would bring foreign policy experience. Plus, he speaks fluent Spanish, which could attract more Latino voters to Trump's tent. And finally, Ohio Senator JD Vance appears in the final moments as a contender. He can leverage his Rust Belt upbringing to motivate less engaged white voters, who turn out in relatively small numbers, to vote for Trump. It's hard to imagine such a shortlist in Trump's previous White House bids. Stefanik criticized him in 2016 for comments he made in the leaked tape of an “Access Hollywood” interview. Vance once described Trump as America's Hitler. And here's what Rubio had to say about Trump in 2016, when they were vying for the Republican nomination.


MARCO RUBIO: Have you seen his hands? They are like that. And you know what they say about men with small hands.

HAN: But as he has grown into Trump's Republican Party, and after four years as president, he has found allies who were once adversaries. So now these relatively young and ambitious Republicans are all eager to become Trump's vice president. This is Conant.

CONANT: They think he's going to win, and he only has one term left, so whoever the vice presidential pick is, he'll be the favorite at this point for 2028, which isn't so far from now.

HAN: Trump, meanwhile, is taking his time, at least for now. He has said his vice presidential pick will be in the first presidential debate on Thursday.

Jeongyoon Han, NPR News.

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