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PM Modi vs Rahul Gandhi: Why the Opposition Leader Matters | News from India

PM Modi vs Rahul Gandhi: Why the Opposition Leader Matters |  News from India


NEW DELHI: In February this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi predicted that the opposition would soon sit in the visitors' gallery of Parliament. After four months, his government is now looking at its biggest test in Parliament as Rahul Gandhi takes over as leader of the opposition in the Lok sabha.
The two leaders shared a rare and unmissable moment on Wednesday as they shook hands and escorted newly re-elected Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to his chair.
With this polite gesture, Rahul Gandhi, also sent a clear message as leader of the opposition: “…This House represents the voice of the people of India…Of course, the government has the political power, but the opposition also represents the voice. of the Indian people. »
For the first time, Rahul is now holding a constitutional post in his long political career of over two and a half decades. He was announced as opposition leader after a meeting of INDIA bloc leaders on Wednesday.
The appointment to this post is also a first for the Modi government as the post had been vacant for 10 years. During the last two mandates of PM Modithere was no leader of the opposition as a party has to cross the 55-member mark to claim the post. The results of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections gave a major boost to the Congress and Rahul Gandhi as the party emerged as the single largest party in the INDIA bloc by winning 99 seats in the Lok Sabha.

Why is the position of Opposition Leader important to the Opposition?

Over the last decade, the opposition has been constantly attacking the Modi government for misusing central agencies. With his new post, Rahul will now have a say in all key appointments.
As Leader of Opposition, Rahul will now be a member of important committees on the appointments of Lokpal, CBI chief, Chief Election Commissioner and other election commissioners. He will also serve on the selection panel of the Central Vigilance Commission, Central Information Commission and the head of the National Human Rights Commission of India.
These panels, by default, are led by the Prime Minister. The Modi government will still have the advantage as it will have two votes. [PM and a Union minister]. But as leader of the opposition, Rahul will have a voice and will be privy to all the deliberations of these panels.
Apart from this, he will chair the all-important Public Accounts Committee, whose main function is to examine the CAG reports and can also request investigations from the government.
Rahul will also enjoy the perks of a cabinet-level minister and get an office in the Parliament building.
In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Congress leader contested and won both the seats: Rae Bareli and Wayanad. He decided to retain Rae Bareli and his sister Priyanka would now contest the polls from Wayanad. On the other hand, the BJP, which crossed the majority mark alone in the last two Lok Sabha elections, is now dependent on its allies to keep the boat afloat.
The third day of the Lok Sabha has already witnessed fireworks following President Om Birla's resolution on Emergency. Opposition MPs, especially those from the Congress, raised slogans against this reference. With MPs in charge and Rahul as leader, the opposition is now planning to pin the blame on the Modi government in the ongoing parliamentary session.




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