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Israel's allies warn of Gaza war spreading to Lebanon DW 06/26/2024

Israel's allies warn of Gaza war spreading to Lebanon DW 06/26/2024


Israel's allies and Middle East actors have echoed warnings about the spread of the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, after Israel declared its plans for an offensive on Lebanon, where it is expected to face the Islamist Hezbollah militia, had been “approved and validated”. “

The United States, Germany and Turkey all reacted with concern. While Berlin and Washington have warned of the consequences of the war's expansion, Ankara has pledged solidarity with Lebanon and called on other regional players to join them.

Separately, the top UN official in charge of humanitarian affairs also warned that such an escalation could be “apocalyptic”.

“I see it as the flashpoint… It's potentially apocalyptic,” Martin Griffiths told reporters in Geneva.

Israeli forces have been engaged in constant hostile exchanges with Iran-backed Hezbollah militants since Hamas sparked the current conflict in Gaza with its October 7 attacks.

What did Turkey say?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed the issue in statements on Wednesday. He accused the West of supporting what he described as Israeli plans to attack Lebanon and “spread war” throughout the region.

“[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] “Netanyahu's plans to expand the war to the region will lead to a great catastrophe,” he said, adding that Western support for Israel was “pitiful.”

“Turkey stands with the brotherly people and state of Lebanon. I call on other countries in the region to show solidarity with Lebanon,” Erdogan added.

US, Germany warn of 'terrible consequences'

Meanwhile, Israel's Western allies have issued stark warnings against regional escalation.

“Another war would lead to a regional escalation on a scale that we can hardly imagine,” German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock told German public radio Deutschlandfunk on Wednesday.

Baerbock met with Lebanese and Israeli leaders on Tuesday during a regional tour.

The head of German diplomacy warned of the danger of war between Israel and Lebanon.

“And this is exactly what we must avoid: that through the daily escalation, where more and more rockets are flying, large parts of both sides do not want this war, and that we slide into it,” she declared.

Expert: War between Israel and Hezbollah “would be a disaster”

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US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also echoed similar statements during a meeting with his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant in Washington.

“Another war between Israel and Hezbollah could easily turn into a regional war, with terrible consequences for the Middle East,” Austin said. “Diplomacy is by far the best way to prevent further escalation.”

Berlin urges German citizens to leave Lebanon

The German Foreign Ministry also issued an urgent appeal to German nationals to leave Lebanon.

“Tensions in the border areas with Israel are heightened and could further intensify at any time,” they said on Wednesday. The ministry also warned of an increased risk of terrorist attacks, possibly directed against Westerners or large hotels.

The October 7 attacks left some 1,200 people dead in Israel, mostly civilians, while Palestinian militants also took around 250 hostages. Around 116 hostages are still missing in Gaza, although the Israeli army announced 42 deaths.

Israel responded by strengthening the siege and extending the military operation in the Gaza Strip, with the stated aim of eradicating Hamas. More than 37,700 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict so far, mostly civilians, according to health authorities in the Hamas-controlled enclave.

Hamas and Hezbollah are designated as terrorist organizations by several countries.

How capable is Hezbollah of waging war against Israel?

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rmt/dj (AFP, dpa, Reuters)




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