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The economic consequences of Mr. Trump

The economic consequences of Mr. Trump


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It's a shame that we had to wait for financial analysts to explain to us the effects of Donald Trump's business plans. Joe Biden's campaign should be shoving it down Americans' throats every day. It’s natural that Biden would care about Trump’s impact on American democracy. But that obscures what voters care about most. According to Moody's Analytics, Trump's policies would trigger a recession by mid-2025. Unemployment and inflation would soar. The bottom half of the U.S. income distribution would suffer the most.

But that's only half. Moodys based its forecast on Trump's long-standing plan to impose tariffs of 10 percent on all imports and 60 percent on goods from China. It's already quite expensive. The average family would pay $1,700 more per year for higher prices, according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics. A Republican spokeswoman insisted it was fake news: The idea that the tariffs are a tax on American consumers is a lie pushed by contractors and the Party. Chinese Communist, she said. The Republicans have come full circle. It is now communist to advocate for trade.

The Democrats are not that far behind. The two big points of consensus in America today are that globalization is toxic and that America is in a zero-sum competition with China. This is part of what is preventing Biden from fully tackling Trump's trade war plans. But Trump is constantly making it easier for Biden. Earlier this month, the former president outlined an all-tariff policy in which import duties would entirely replace income taxes.

It is impossible to arrive at an optimal tariff that could compensate for the suppression of tax revenue. The higher the rate, the more trade is disrupted. It would be like a dog chasing its own tail. The economic costs of returning to 19th-century fiscal policy would fall heavily on workers and their families, the type of people who are increasingly turning to Trump. The beneficiaries would be the rich, who spend a much smaller share of their income on goods. A Moody's study on this subject would surely predict depression.

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Trump's latest plan should be added to the complete decoupling with China advocated by Robert Lighthizer, Trump's former trade representative and his next Treasury secretary. There is also a well-publicized plan by Trump to replace Jay Powell as chairman of the US Federal Reserve. All of this translates into higher borrowing costs, soaring inflation and a decisive shift towards deglobalization. In short, Trump presents Biden with a bigger and bigger target. The American president could target the first presidential debate between two men on Thursday evening.

The question is what a second Biden term would mean for the global economy. The US president has not yet clearly explained the difference between risk reduction and decoupling. That is because it is very difficult to draw a line. If China’s trade surplus can theoretically be invested in its growing war machine, then why stop at semiconductors and artificial intelligence technology? Until Biden can define more precise parameters, it will be difficult to reach a common position with the EU on China.

In short, Biden and Trump are committed to moving in the same direction. But Trump would do it in leaps and bounds. The irony of Trump's position is that he is the candidate who promises to end US involvement in the forever wars in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip and may even consider abandoning Taiwan, although he It's impossible to predict where his wayward state of mind would take him. Yet its plans to disengage from the global economy would make conflict with China more likely.

The only upside of the current Cold War is that China is deeply committed to the global status quo. In contrast, the United States had only limited economic blackmail power over the Soviet Union during the First Cold War. It is a shortcoming of the current foreign policy debate that so few people discuss the merits of maintaining U.S. influence over China. The emphasis is on the degree and speed of American disengagement. In this regard, Trump is truly a disruptor.

What we do know about Trump's plans is that they would trigger a recession. What we think he would be strongly tempted to do could lead to depression. The economic consequences of Trump would be disastrous. The unintended geopolitical consequences could be even worse. Biden's America is sinking into a cold war with China. Trump is indulging in a nightmare. The best thing Biden can do for his prospects is make clear what this would mean for Middle America's bottom line.

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