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President Jokowi reviews rice stocks, hands over food reserve aid to Palangkaraya

President Jokowi reviews rice stocks, hands over food reserve aid to Palangkaraya


President Joko Widodo inspected rice stocks and handed over government aid to food reserves at the warehouse complex in Bukit Tunggal, Palangkaraya City, Central Kalimantan Province, Wednesday, June 26, 2024. In his speech, President ensured the continuity of rice distribution to the community and checked the quality of available stocks.

“Yesterday we calculated it so that later we continue, that is, going to August, going back to October, going back to December, okay? “We are grateful that the calculations of the 'APBN may be so,' said the president.

President Jokowi also stressed the importance of the quality of the rice distributed. According to him, the rice distributed to beneficiary communities is premium rice.

“The rice is good, isn’t it?” “Because what we are sending to Mr. and Mrs. is premium rice,” he said. “These are the improvements made by the government, which are carried out by Bulog because we now know that Bulog continues to improve its management,” he continued.

The Head of State recognized that balancing rice prices was not an easy task. According to him, if rice is expensive, the farmers will be happy, but the community will not be happy and the opposite will happen.

“It’s the government’s job to balance things out. “If there is really not enough stock in the country, whether we like it or not, we have to import so that prices do not increase, because if the supply is low, prices will automatically have to increase” , he explained.

Furthermore, the President confirmed that currently the government's rice stock reaches 1.7 million tonnes. This abundant inventory also plays a role in preventing price games by middlemen or other parties.

“If you still have doubts, look inside (the warehouse). How much stock is there? Is it true or not? Check inside. From there it looks like a mountain “This is the reserve stock of rice that we have so that prices are not manipulated, neither by intermediaries nor by others,” he stressed.

The activity of this president marks the government's commitment to guaranteeing the availability and accessibility of rice for the community, as well as safeguarding the stability of food prices at the national level.

President Jokowi was also accompanied on this occasion by Minister of Commerce Zulkifli Hasan, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman, Head of the National Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi, Governor of Central Kalimantan Sugianto Sabran and President Director of Bulog. Bayu Krisnamurthi.




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