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Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey completes his U-turn on Brexit

Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey completes his U-turn on Brexit


Sir Ed Davey appears to have achieved a remarkable turnaround on Brexit by ruling out a return to the EU single market in the next parliamentary term.

The Liberal Democrat leader has apparently softened his approach to Brussels over his manifesto pledge to chain Britain to the bloc's internal market.

Asked if the Liberal Democrats would consider re-entering the EU, Davey told GB News: You have a lot of work to do to even consider something like that.

He added: We need a trade deal and we need a trade deal very quickly.

Ed Davey with a Boris Johnson insertEd Davey ruled out re-entering the single market but blasted Boris Johnson's Brexit dealPA/GETTY

Our economy is suffering from the terrible trade deal the Conservatives struck with our European partners.

Our farmers are affected, our fishermen are affected, our exports and imports are affected. People are affected by the increase in prices in the stores.

We need to have a trade deal. It cannot be the single market. I have spoken to European politicians and that is not on the table.

What we can do is achieve a much better, mutually beneficial trade deal.

I think that would really help revive our economy, get the growth we need, and curb inflation as well.

Davey also stressed that joining the single market was unlikely in the next Parliament and was unable to set a date for such a step.

The leader of the Liberal Democrats instead insisted that he would seek to strengthen relations with the Brussels bloc.

Peak inflation was higher in the UK than in the EU, reaching 10.1% in April 2023.


Mr Ed Davey

Sir Ed Davey campaigned for a second referendum on EU membership


The EU instead saw slightly lower price increases, at 8.1 percent.

Inflation in the Eurozone remained at 2.6% in April 2024, while the UK Consumer Price Index was just 2.3%.

Davey used his manifesto launched earlier this month to confirm that the Liberal Democrats believe in continental club re-joining as a long-term goal.

The pro-Remain centrist also presented his four-step roadmap to strengthen cross-Channel relations.

Davey hopes to enter into partnerships with European agencies and later join the single market.

Access to the single market comes with the need to respect Brussels' strict rules on the free movement of goods, services and people.

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson signed the post-Brexit agreement between the United Kingdom and the EU


Britain's Conservatives, Labor and Reformers have already ruled out possible re-joining the EU or the single market.

However, Rishi Sunak warned voters against Labor taking the UK closer to the Brussels bloc through a back door.

The Green Party hopes to return in due course and the SNP is keen to become a member of the continental club.

Davey confirmed his Brexit pivot during a visit to the target seat of Chelmsford in Essex.

Chelmsford, like all voting areas in Essex, voted to leave the European Union in 2016.

The latest MRP poll from Discover Now for GB News has revealed that the Liberal Democrats look set to wrest Chelmsford from the Conservatives for the first time since 1923.

Ed Davey

Liberal Democrat Sir Ed Davey looks back on his party's previous European policy


The centrist party, which already controls the local council, received 44 percent support.

Conservative candidate Vicky Ford, who is seeking re-election, comes far behind with just 27 percent.

Johnson's Brexit deal, which is expected to raise $668 billion a year, is 1,200 pages long.

The pillars of the agreements removed tariffs and quotas on all products, going further than any other agreement signed by the EU with a third country.

However, this has not removed the need for customs declarations and administrative formalities for GBEU traders.

Pro-Brexit demonstrationProtesters demonstrating in favor of BrexitGetty

Despite concerns about the impact on traders, Brexit supporters point out that exports and imports have increased by around 11 percent.

The Office for Budget Responsibility previously estimated that Brexit would cost 4% of the UK's GDP over a period that some experts estimate to be 15 years.

However, Britain has seen GDP growth of 8% since it held a referendum on whether the country should remain in the EU in 2016, about the same as France.

Germany and Italy experienced a slightly lower growth rate, around 6 percent.

The UK has continued to outpace Germany during its post-Covid recovery, with Berlin experiencing a recession as a full member of the EU.




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