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Murder of Sinan Ate: catalyst for MHP-AKP tensions


“Baheli sees the potential of Sinan Ate's murder, which involved names from MHP and Lk Ocaklar despite police reports, reaching a point of existential threat to his party. Although this situation causes tensions within the People's Alliance, it increases Erdoan's influence over Baheli. Imagine, his strategic partner turned twice to Betepe for political assassination.” (Photo: Presidency)

Devlet Bahelis, alliance partner of President Recep Tayyip Erdoan and leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), his late arrival at his party's parliamentary group meeting on June 25, his first seated speech and the need to rest in behind the scenes briefly stirred up the political scene. The reasons included high blood pressure and hot weather, which is plausible given the extreme heat, Bahelis' age and his overall health. Shortly after, it was announced that Baheli would visit President Tayyip Erdoan during the presidency on June 26.

Reason for visit and courtesy call

Let us recall those days. A process began when the leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), Zgr Zel, called on President Erdoğan to celebrate Eid.

Meanwhile, zel continues to pursue the investigation into the murder of Sinan Ate, where former CHP leader Kemal Kldarolu left off. At the April 23 National Day reception, which Baheli did not attend, TBMM President Numan Kurtulmu brought Erdoan and Zel together for tea in the back room; ice-breaking photos were taken.

The next day, Baheli posted a video of himself walking in sportswear accompanied by the melancholic song. Following these developments, Erdoan visited Baheli on April 29. Coincidentally, this was the same day that the indictment for the murder of Sinan Ate was completed. This visit, ahead of Erdoan’s already scheduled private meeting with Zel on May 2, was followed by statements declaring that “the Popular Alliance remains steadfast.”

Despite this, Baheli returned to Betepe ten days later.

The link between this visit and the courtesy visit is clear; that is, Erdoan's decision to make a reciprocal visit to the CHP headquarters following Zel's meeting with Erdoan at the AKP headquarters on May 2.

Bahelis uncomfortable with Sinan Ate

It was not only the issue of Sinan Ate that pushed Baheli, despite his illness, to Betepe today, but this topic seems to have become a symbol of tension in AKP-MHP relations, especially before the first hearing on July 1.

Baheli highlighted the importance of the July 1 affair in his group speech. He said they would not allow MHP and lk Ocaklar (Grey Wolves) to be judged by 3-5 troublemakers. It was almost a “preventive step” before the trial. In doing so, he particularly blamed the CHP leader.

zel responded to this by saying “Get well soon” and removing the parts regarding MHP from his speech. In this regard, Zel's position is closer to that of Erdoan, who considers the matter closed, in response to Baheli's harsh statement: “If Erdoan wants to form an alliance with Zel, let's leave it alone . »

zel shows that he will not let go of the subject but does not want to endanger the dialogue with Erdoan.

Baheli, on the other hand, by going to Betepe despite his discomfort and wishing to meet Erdoan before July 1, intends to underline the vital importance of the assassination of Sinan Ate for the MHP and his strong commitment to the People's Alliance .

Pressure on Betepe before July 1?

This meeting also takes place at a time when MHP The members who replaced the Fethullahists in the judiciary and police after July 15 took power, causing unease in the ranks of the AKP, and the task of emphasizing the importance of the MHP was given to the former Minister of the Interior, Sleyman Soylu.

Baheli wants to dissuade zel from attending the trial by stating that only MHP lawyers, not lk Ocaklar's crowd, will attend the July 1 hearing. Zel's dismissal of heavy accusations with a “get well soon” message could indicate this.

However, Baheli sees the potential of Sinan Ate's murder, which involved names from MHP and Lk Ocaklar despite police reports, reaching a point of existential threat to his party.

This situation certainly causes tensions within the People's Alliance, but it also increases Erdoan's influence over Baheli. Imagine, his strategic partner addressed Betepe twice about a political murder.

We must not forget that Baheli is a master tactician, but Erdoan is also a master strategist.

Clearly showing your counterparts, even if it is an ally, your weaknesses and vulnerabilities will naturally increase your negotiating power. Let's wait and see.




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