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PM Modi's Russia visit aims to prepare for global uncertainty ahead | Latest News India


New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Russia on July 8-9 for the bilateral summit with President Vladimir Putin is an integral part of India's strategic calculus, as the war in Ukraine is set to intensify and that the Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza shows no signs of abating. .

PM Narendra Modi with S Jaishankar.
PM Narendra Modi with S Jaishankar.

To add to this, Pakistan, under the leadership of India-hater Munir Akram, will join the UN Security Council as a temporary member for two years in January 2025, while China, friend to all times, is looking for an opportunity to either designate innocent Indians as global terrorists, like in the past or pass a resolution on Jammu and Kashmir. And as if that were not all, India will not be a member of the International Human Rights Council in Geneva next year. Last time, in 2018, when India was not a member, the Council submitted a report on so-called human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir.

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In other words, India will have to be proactive in multilateral forums, as Pakistani President Akram will join forces with China to put India in a bind at the UN. Given the diplomatic state of affairs, Prime Minister Modi has decided to visit Russia (last time in 2019) for bilateral talks with President Putin, as it was quite clear at the G7 in Italy that the West would step up its efforts in Ukraine by deploying weapons and even troops on the ground. President Putin, for his part, has made it clear that he will arm the West’s adversaries in the event of an escalation in Crimea or the Russian hinterland and has not ruled out the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

It is learned that the July summit between Prime Minister Modi and President Putin is more about sharing the world view and less about bilateral outcomes. The fact is that India will have to be agile in international diplomacy, because there is a good chance that Labor will be in power in the United Kingdom, and French President Emmanuel Macron will most likely be weakened by the right in going to win the elections. That aside, the United States is heading into a presidential election with Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump in an all-out fight ahead of the November elections.

As the West pushes Russia into Ukraine, India's position has become complicated, as Putin is forced to seek détente with Chinese President Xi Jinping, even as Russia is squeezed by Beijing on its eastern periphery. While the West can criticize India for leaving all channels open to Russia, India cannot afford to see Russia teaming up with China as the majority of India's military supplies still come from Moscow .

Even as the Chinese Navy expands its footprint in the Indian Ocean region using the BRI as leverage with Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, Indian diplomacy must be skillful and proactive, as the status quo or the closing session is no longer an option.




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