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Prime Minister meets China's top leader

Prime Minister meets China's top leader


Developing stable, sustainable and long-term relations with China is a coherent policy, an objective requirement, a strategic choice and a top priority of Vietnam's foreign policy of independence, autonomy, multilateralization and diversification of relations external, declared Prime Minister Pham Minh. Chinh.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (left) and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President Xi Jinping (Photo: VNA)
PM Pham Minh Chinh (left) and Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping (Photo: VNA)

Beijing (VNA) Developing stable, sustainable and long-term relations with China is a coherent policy, an objective requirement, a strategic choice and a top priority of Vietnam's foreign policy of independence, autonomy, multilateralization and diversification of relations external, declared Prime Minister Pham Minh. Chinh.

During his meeting with General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping on June 26 in Beijing, as part of his working trip to attend the 2024 New Champions Annual Meeting of the 15th World Economic Forum (WEF), Prime Minister Chinh expressed his support for China. development goals, including the achievement of its “second centenary” and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi Jinping, for his part, affirmed that China attaches great importance to its relations with Vietnam and considers them a priority in its overall policy of neighborhood diplomacy.

China supports Vietnam's efforts to safeguard national independence and dignity, constantly supports Vietnam in implementing the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress under the leadership of the Vietnamese Communist Party, successfully holding the 14th National Congress of the Party and the construction of a socialism adapted to the context of the country. , he said.

The two sides agreed to further realize their high-level common perceptions, especially the Vietnam-China Joint Statement on Deepening and Elevating the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Partnership and Building a Vietnam-China Community with a Shared Future that is of strategic importance.

The Chinese leader stressed the need to enhance political trust, maintain regular high-level exchanges and effectively support the mechanism of the Vietnam-China Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation. He called for increased collaboration between key sectors such as diplomacy, national defense and public security; improving the efficiency of substantive cooperation; promoting people-to-people exchanges, especially among the younger generation; monitoring and better resolving disputes; and working closely in multilateral forums, contributing to global and regional development.

Welcoming China’s high-quality investment in Vietnam, PM Chinh suggested that the two sides work together to build large-scale, iconic, sustainable and highly efficient projects; accelerate the connectivity of transport infrastructure, especially in railways, roads and border crossings under the framework of connecting the “Two Corridors, One Belt” with the Belt and Road Initiative. He specifically asked China to facilitate the export of key Vietnamese products such as frozen durian, fresh coconut and rice, thus enabling them to more easily navigate Central Asia and Europe via China.

Vietnam supports China's bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), he said, proposing that both sides continue discussions on this issue.

The Vietnamese Prime Minister suggested promoting cooperation between localities as a new engine of growth, studying the pilot model of cross-border economic cooperation zones, expanding border economic cooperation and developing smart border crossings. He encouraged localities to proactively strengthen cooperation, link regional development strategies and expand coordination in finance, banking, education, health care and others.

Praising Prime Minister Chinh's cooperation proposals, Xi affirmed that China supports Vietnam in accelerating its industrialization and modernization, building stable and sustainable supply chains and production networks, regionally and globally, in collaboration with China and other countries.

He expressed his hope that the two sides would further strengthen their joint work in the fields of trade, investment and tourism; and take advantage of their geographic proximity and complementary advantages, and consider piloting cross-border economic zones.

China remains ready to increase imports of quality Vietnamese products, he said, adding that China advocates deepening comprehensive reforms and developing new quality production capacities, which would create opportunities for advancing trade, improving road and rail transport and digital economic connectivity.

The Chinese government supports businesses in increasing investment in Vietnam, especially in high-tech and emerging sectors, he said.

On global and regional issues of common concern, the host and guest pledged to jointly control and satisfactorily manage disputes to maintain peace and stability at sea.

The Vietnamese leader proposed that the two sides seriously follow high-level common perceptions, respect each other's legitimate interests in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and ensure until disputes at sea are resolved. does not affect the friendship between the two countries./.




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