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Jokowi increases pumping to overcome possible long drought

Jokowi increases pumping to overcome possible long drought


TEMPO.CO, JakartaPresident Joko Widodo or Jokowi directly observe the implementation of pumping assistance for rice field irrigation and agriculture (pumping) in Bapeang Village, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Jokowi accelerates the pumping process to overcome the potential drought which should take place from July to October.

Jokowi said that currently all countries are affected by heat waves and long droughts. For this reason, all countries have experienced a decline in rice production.

“Our country is also the same, the BMKG estimates will be in July, August, September, October and hopefully not before there are heat waves, droughts, which must be anticipated. Therefore, first prepare for anticipation, which is called pumping,” he reportedly said in the video from the Presidential Secretariat.

The government has prepared 20,000 pumping units for initial distribution which will be distributed throughout the country. The number of pumping units will be increased to 70,000 units.

For the East Kotawaringin region, the government has distributed 31 pumps which can currently irrigate only 435 hectares out of a total of 7,600 hectares of potential rainfed rice fields. The Ministry of Agriculture will strive to meet the overall pump needs to ensure that all areas can be met.

During his visit to Bapeang Village, Jokowi also interacted directly with farmers. The Palace, in a written statement, said that the presence of the pump makes it possible to increase the frequency of harvests. “Yes, what used to be two (harvests) could become three. Previously, one (harvest) could become two or three,” the president said.


Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman, National Food Agency Head Arief Prasetyo Adi, Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran and Kotawaringin Regent Oriental Halikinnor also accompanied President Jokowi on a visit to Bapeang village.

Jokowi left for Central Kalimantan on Wednesday morning. The former Mayor of Solo will continue his journey to Katingan Regency after East Kotawaringin Regency. In East Kotawaringin, Jokowi also looked at prices at the Mentaya Mall Market.

In Katingan Regency, Jokowi will provide assistance to traders in Pata Market and inspect health facilities and services at the Mas Amsyar Regional General Hospital (RSUD). Next, the former Jakarta governor will visit the Bukit Tunggal warehouse complex in Palangkaraya town to check rice stocks and hand over aid from the government's food reserves to beneficiary families.

Editor's Pick: Agriculture Minister Amran Accompanies Jokowi to Check Pumping in Central Java




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