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Trump allies urge him not to be a raging asshole at debate

Trump allies urge him not to be a raging asshole at debate


Ahead of Thursday night's scheduled presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, each candidate's campaign brass views the televised event as a potential inflection point in a race that has remained stubbornly steady and uncomfortably close in the polls for months.

According to senior sources in both camps, each campaign has calculated in recent weeks that its opponent could easily be pushed to “self-destruct” on live television, which could damage its appeal to undecided and independent voters. (Trump, with his volatile temperament, and Biden, with his age.)

One reason the idea of ​​“self-destruction” at a debate looms so large among the upper ranks of Trumpworld is that many of them believe it happened to Trump in late 2020. And they are determined to help him prevent it from happening again, with his potential second administration (and his freedom from possible prison time). Various Republicans close to the former president have been advising him for weeks with a message that boils down to a more diplomatic version of the following: Please, be less of yourself at the June debate, for God’s sake.

A Republican who recently advised Trump on preparing for the 2024 debate paraphrased his advice to the ex-president as: “Don't be a raging asshole while you're on stage with Biden” and “Don't bite the bullet.” hook” from the current president.

Of course, whether or not Trump moderates somewhat Thursday night is anyone's guess. When he was in the White House, he played the media so much to praise his temporarily short-lived “tone” or “presidential” behavior that he literally laughed about it with aides. Regardless of how Trump behaves on stage, it doesn't change the fact that much of the course of the event was defined by Trump and much of the GOP elite publicly demanding that Biden be drug tested before the debate. Editor's Choice

Indeed, when contacted Wednesday, the Trump campaign reiterated its taunt and insinuations that Biden would embrace ahead of the Atlanta debate. “President Trump takes many tough interviews each week and delivers long rally speeches while standing, demonstrating elite endurance. He doesn’t need to be programmed by staff or had to shoot with chemicals like Joe Biden,” Jason Miller, a senior adviser to Trump, said in a statement.

Top of mind for the Trump camp ahead of Thursday's debate — aside from pushing the idea that Biden must be doped to put two sentences together — is the last time the two debated, before the 2020 election .

According to four people with knowledge of Trump's debate preparations, his close advisers, aides and even family members still have – as one of the sources jokes – “PTSD” from his Cleveland debate with Biden in September 2020. At the time, it was also not publicly known that the then-president also had Covid-19 while unmasked near Biden, while the pandemic was still out of control.

Trump's debate performance, bordering on wild, interruption-riddled and shouty (even for Trump), was so off-putting that various members of his entourage could barely contain their displeasure. To this day, some of them still blame that debate for costing Trump the election that he still thinks was “stolen.”

The mantra inside the Trump team this time around is not to support a redux of this moment from the last presidential election. This month, Trump held a series of closed-door “policy discussions” with a rotating gallery of advisers and confidants to help prepare for the upcoming showdown with Biden. Attendees have included Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) and former Trump administration figures such as Tom Homan and Stephen Miller. Related

“You can be strong and fight, but most people won't like to see you beat Grandpa too hard,” says a source close to Trump.

For all the advice on this subject he's been getting for weeks, Trump seems at least somewhat aware of this thorny issue. In some private conversations this month, Trump has indeed conceded that he knows Biden will try to bait him into acting “crazy” during their first debate in 2024, two sources familiar with the matter tell Rolling Stone, and told several of his advisors to say “I should be nicer” on stage in Atlanta.

In recent days, the former president appears to have publicly alluded to this (sober) school of thought. “Should I be harsh and mean, and just say, 'You are the worst president in history' [at the debate]” Trump asked rally-goers at an event in Pennsylvania last weekend. “Or should I be nice and calm and let him talk?

As expected, rally participants overwhelmingly applauded the “evil” option.

If Trump takes his collective advice by the handful, it could easily prove a nightmare for his campaign brass, his supporters on Capitol Hill and others in the Republican elite.

“Trump may dominate on his record and his vision for the country, but during this debate he must be careful to be assertive but not aggressive with Biden,” says Dan Eberhart, Canary's managing director and longtime GOP and Trump. giver. Eberhart was among the party's megadonors who supported Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the 2024 primary, but has since returned to the former president. Tendency

“If he is too aggressive, it will put off women voters,” adds Eberhart. “He needs to beat Biden in the debate, but not necessarily blow him away…I've spent time – along with other Republicans and donors – with Trump over the last few months, and I can say this guy has a lot of energy compared to Biden. Love him or hate him, Trump has the energy to get the job done. »

Time will tell whether he heeds the advice of his advisers on how to channel this decision on Thursday.




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