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President Erdoan participates in Trkiye's last 16 Euro celebrations

President Erdoan participates in Trkiye's last 16 Euro celebrations


After Trkiye's 2-1 victory over Czechia in their third match of the UEFA Euro 2024 Group F stage, President Recep Tayyip Erdoan congratulated the national team on qualifying for the round of 16 via a call phone call from the locker room.

The Crescent-Stars secured a crucial 2-1 victory over Czechia, securing their place as runners-up in Group F of the 2024 UEFA European Championship.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoan took the opportunity to speak by telephone with the team and its head coach, Vincenzo Montella, praising their performance and wishing them success ahead of their next match against Austria.

Also present during the call were Minister of Youth and Sports Osman Akn Bak and President of the Turkish Football Federation (TFF) Mehmet Bykeki.

Bak expressed his thoughts after the hard-fought victory: “Tonight we had a great victory against Czechia. It was difficult, full of moments of stress and excitement, but we managed to get the victory. Congratulations to all.”

After the match, Bak spoke to the press, highlighting the intense moments of the match and praising the team for their resilience.

“Tonight we had a great victory against the Czech Republic. It was difficult, full of moments of stress and excitement, but we managed to get the victory. Congratulations to all. We continue on our journey, bringing joy to our nation. We congratulate our incredible fans, who supported us with passion in Hamburg and Dortmund, creating an incredible atmosphere. Their support is invaluable. We always say “We are the Crazy Turks”. We came here as leaders of the group. We won our first match and now, after 16 years, we are out of the group stage. They have accomplished great things, and we wish them continued success. We have brought joy to our nation, and this victory is our gift to them. We also thank President Erdoan for once again calling the locker room to congratulate the players. Congratulations to our young team who will bring even more victories to our nation,” he said.

Besides President Erdoan, several government officials, including Vice President Cevdet Ylmaz and numerous ministers, congratulated the Turkish national team on social media after their 2-1 victory over Czechia in the Group F match of the UEFA Euro 2024.

Trkiye players celebrate after Hakan alhanolu scored his first goal against Czechia in the Euro 2024 Group F clash at the Volksparkstadion, Hamburg, Germany on June 26, 2024. (Photo AA)
Trkiye players celebrate after Hakan alhanolu scored his first goal against Czechia in the Euro 2024 Group F clash at the Volksparkstadion, Hamburg, Germany on June 26, 2024. (Photo AA)

Here is a list of Turkish politicians who joined the party after this emotional victory:

Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz: “Sincere congratulations to our national football team for emerging from the group stage of the 2024 UEFA European Championship by beating Czechia in the final group match. I wish our national team success in the round of 16 .”

Minister of Family and Social Services, Mahinur Zdemir Gkta: “I sincerely congratulate our national football team for beating Czechia 2-1 in the final match of Group F of the 2024 UEFA European Championship and qualifying for the round of 16. We believe in you with everything heart.”

Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin: “Our national football team is in the round of 16. I wish 'Our Children' success in their journey to the 2024 UEFA European Championship Cup after beating Czechia 2-1.”

Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca: “We are out of the group stage. We are aiming high. Congratulations to our national football team.”

Mehmet Zhaseki, Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change: “Congratulations ‘Our children’. I sincerely congratulate our national football team on qualifying from Group F of the 2024 UEFA European Championship by beating Czechia 2-1. We are proud of you.

Minister of Commerce Mer Bolat: “Well done “Our children”. I congratulate our national football team for making it out of the group stage of the Euro 2024 football tournament by beating Czechia, which will once again make us proud of a performance that we we will always remember. always say “We are crazy Turks”. We arrived here at the top of the group. We won our first match and we are eliminated from the group after 16 years. continued success We brought joy to our nation and this victory is our gift to them. We also thank President Erdoan for once again calling the locker room to congratulate the players.

Minister of the Interior Ali Erlikaya: “You are wonderful, “Our Children”. I sincerely congratulate our national football team for making it through the group stage by beating Czechia at the European Championship. I want the end of the journey to be the finale. »

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Ibrahim Yumakl: “Congratulations 'Our children'. I wish success to our national football team, which came out of the group stage of the European Football Championship. I wish you success. You are our pride.

Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Alparslan Bayraktar: “I sincerely congratulate our national football team on qualifying from Group F of the 2024 European Football Championship by beating Czechia 2-1. We are proud of you, “Our children”. We wish you all the best.”

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Abdlkadir Uralolu: “We are in the round of 16. I congratulate our national football team for making it out of the group stage. Next up is Austria.”

Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nouri Ersoy: “Congratulations to our national football team, who qualified for the round of 16 of the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship by beating Czechia 2-1. I congratulate “Our Children”, who gave us this pride. I wish them success against Austria.”

The Sabah Daily News Bulletin

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