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Biden and Trump to face off in 90-minute presidential debate

Biden and Trump to face off in 90-minute presidential debate


For many Americans, it may seem like a summer TV replay, but President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are debating Thursday night at a pivotal moment for their campaigns leading up to the Nov. 5 election.

This is the first debate ever held in the quadrennial U.S. presidential election cycle, but a replay of their two 2020 debates, which took place in the two months just before Biden defeated Trump's re-election bid for a new term in the White House.

Thursday's face-off is the first debate between two US presidents and is the first time Biden and Trump have been in the same room since their last debate in October 2020.

Trump missed Biden's inauguration in January 2021, and they have feuded ever since.

In recent days, Trump has mocked Biden's debate preparation and suggested he will need a medical boost to get through the face-to-face meeting. Trump told a rally in Philadelphia: “Right now, Crooked Joe has gone to study in a log cabin, while miming quotation marks with his hands. He is sleeping now, because they want to make him good and strong.

Trump has long maintained that Biden is incapable of speaking two sentences at once. More recently, however, he has been preparing his supporters for the possibility that Biden is someone more formidable than the senile old man he has portrayed him to be.

I suspect he will be someone who will be a worthy debater, Trump told an interviewer. I don't want to underestimate him.

For his part, in mid-May, just before Thursday’s debate was scheduled, Biden said that Donald Trump had lost two debates to me in 2020. He has not appeared in a debate since. Trump avoided several such encounters against Republican opponents during the party’s presidential nomination process earlier this year.

Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again, Biden said. Well, make my day, buddy.

WATCH: Ahead of Thursday's presidential debate, a look back at 2020

Trump will likely accuse Biden of mismanaging the U.S. economy and lax control of the U.S. southwest border with Mexico, allowing thousands of migrants to flood into the U.S. before Biden recently tightened entry restrictions.

Trump claimed that excessive government spending early in Biden's presidency had caused consumer prices to rise at an annualized rate of more than 9%, dramatically reducing family budgets for food, gasoline and d other basic necessities, although the rate has since fallen considerably, to 3.3% in May.

For his part, Biden is likely to point out that Trump is now a convicted felon, convicted of 34 counts last month related to an attempt to influence the outcome of his successful 2016 presidential campaign by falsifying court records. a secret money payment to a porno. star. Additionally, Biden is sure to remind voters that Trump faces three other indictments, including two alleging the former president illegally tried to overturn his 2020 election defeat.

Biden is likely to blame Trump's nomination of three conservatives to the U.S. Supreme Court for his 2022 decision to overturn the U.S.'s nearly five-decade-old constitutional right to abortion. Biden argued that Trump, if given the opportunity during a second term to carry out his plans to retaliate against his political enemies, poses a threat to American democracy.

National polls show Biden and Trump in a virtual deadlock.

Many American political analysts say that millions of Americans have already made their choice in the competition between the two oldest candidates in history, Democrat Biden, 81, and Republican Trump, 78. Many voters hate them both, hate them doubly, in current American political parlance, and can only reluctantly choose one of the two, vote for a third-party or independent candidate, or not vote at all.

For political independents who have not yet made up their minds, or perhaps for those who have not followed the election closely, the debate could be decisive or at least sway them towards one or the other. A second debate is scheduled for September 10.

More than 73 million people tuned in to watch the first Biden-Trump debate in 2020, which turned into a shouting fest that was roundly criticized by analysts as perhaps the worst presidential debate ever, as both candidates frequently interrupted and spoke to each other. Their second meeting was more civil.

Rules of debate

New rules are in place for Thursday meetings, which could limit theatrical debates. It takes place in a television studio at CNN headquarters in the southern city of Atlanta and is hosted by two of the news networks' veteran anchors, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. There will be no live audience, eliminating the prospect of cheers, boos and applause from Biden and Trump's most ardent supporters.

Under the terms of the debate agreed by the two campaigns, each will have two minutes to answer questions directly posed to them, with each then having one minute for rebuttals and responses to rebuttals.

Perhaps most importantly, the microphones will only be active for the candidate being asked a question, although it is unclear whether that mic could pick up a simultaneous retort from the other candidate. Flashing red lights will alert them when they have five seconds left to complete a response, then turn solid red when their time is up and their microphone is turned off.

The debate is expected to last 90 minutes, with two three-minute commercial breaks, but campaign aides will not be allowed to speak to their candidates during intermissions. Candidates will also not be allowed to use props or pre-written notes and will be provided only with a pen, paper and water.

No opening statement is planned and campaign teams have drawn lots to decide which lectern to sit behind or in what order they will make their closing statement. Biden won the coin toss and chose the right lectern on the stage, giving Trump the final statement of the evening.

Aaron Kall, the debate coach at the University of Michigan, told VOA: “The lack of an in-person audience diminishes the incentive to be as aggressive as possible while deploying a constant barrage of zingers. They will land without fanfare and the candidates will not know how the public reacts in real time.

Above all, President Biden must do no harm and make a disqualifying gaffe that will create a negative media cycle regarding his advanced age and stamina to serve a second term, Kall said. He must remind the public of the worst and most chaotic aspects of the Trump presidency and must demonstrate the stamina necessary to move the country forward over the next four years.

The debate coach added that Trump must avoid the constant interruptions from President Biden and moderators that negatively impacted his performance during the first debate in Cleveland four years ago.

Kall said Trump should try to act like a president and rise above the fray during any contentious exchanges. We’ve seen this version of Trump during some formal speeches to joint sessions of Congress, but it’s unclear whether he can remain disciplined for 90 minutes in a debate against President Biden, given the history and personal animosity between the two.

He concluded: “Both candidates had better be civil, but all bets could be off once the event gets going.” CNN's new debate rules are designed to produce a more civil, substance-rich product in Atlanta, but tens of millions of Americans will be watching to see if it actually comes to fruition.




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