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Xi Jinping's regime expelled former Defense Minister Li Shangfu from the Chinese Communist Party and tried him for corruption.

Xi Jinping's regime expelled former Defense Minister Li Shangfu from the Chinese Communist Party and tried him for corruption.


Former Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu (REUTERS/Caroline Chia/Archive)
Former Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu (REUTERS/Caroline Chia/Archive)

State television CCTV announced that the former defense minister Li Shangfu was expelled from the Chinese Communist Partyafter being abruptly dismissed last year without concrete explanations being given on the reasons for the decision of the head of the regime, Xi Jinping.

The Politbur…decided to expel Li Shangfu from the party, cancel his accreditations as representative of the 20th National Congress and transfer their alleged criminal cases to military prosecutorial bodies for consideration and prosecution in accordance with the law, the official Beijing government channel said.

The powerful politburo of top Communist Party leaders met Thursday to consider a report on Li's status.

There they ruled that Li had betrayed its initial mission and lost its party spirit and principlessignals CCTV.

Last appearance of Li Shangfu before the plenary session of the Chinese Communist Party, during the assembly on March 11, 2023 at the People's House in Beijing.  He is the fourth soldier in the line to salute standing.  In the boxes, Xi Jinping can be seen applauding the presentation of the men in uniform (GREG BAKER/Pool via REUTERS)
Last appearance of Li Shangfu before the plenary session of the Chinese Communist Party, during the assembly on March 11, 2023 at the People's House in Beijing. He is the fourth soldier in the line to salute standing. In the boxes, Xi Jinping can be seen applauding the presentation of the men in uniform (GREG BAKER/Pool via REUTERS)

This has seriously polluted the political environment and industrial spirit in the field of military equipment and caused serious damage to the party's cause, national defense and armed forces construction, CCTV said.

It is corruption suspect because he was accused of taking advantage of his position and taking huge sums of money to obtain benefits for others… and giving money to others to obtain improper benefits, did he declare.

He also illegally sought personal benefits for himself and others, he added.

Li Shangfu disappeared from public life for months before being replaced by Dong Jun.  He will now be prosecuted (AP Photo/Andy Wong, File)
Li Shangfu disappeared from public view for months before being replaced by Dong Jun. He will now face prosecution (AP Photo/Andy Wong, File)

The Admiral Dong JunCommander of the Chinese Army Navy, was appointed on December 29, 2023 new Chinese defense ministerthe position officially vacant since October due to the end of Li Shangfu, disappeared during the preceding months from public life amid rumors of an investigation.

The Chinese regime announced the appointment of Dong Jun after the seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in Beijing late last year, as well as another round of appointments including Lu Zhiyuan as Minister of Civil Affairs and Sun Yeli. as Minister of Civil Affairs.

The admiral was the first Navy officer to hold the ministerial post at a time of constant disputes between China and neighboring countries over the demarcation of territorial waters that have added to historic tensions over Taiwan's status.

The release of Li Shangfu was officially announced after months of silence, without detailing his fate: according to the sixth meeting of the standing committee of the 14th National People's Assembly of the People's Republic of China, was decided on October 24, 2023… dismiss Li Shangfu functions as a member of the Board of state and Minister of Defense, was the official announcement at the time.

He Board of state It is China's Cabinet and the center of government power. Li's dismissal from the organization marked the end of his political career, although it was unclear whether he would be prosecuted or other legal sanctions would be imposed. It now seems clear that this will be the case.

With information from AFP




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