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Which Donald Trump will show up at the CNN presidential debate Thursday night?

Which Donald Trump will show up at the CNN presidential debate Thursday night?


That's the biggest question surrounding Thursday night's CNN presidential debate, which is the first of two onstage showdowns between President Biden and former President Trump in the 2024 election rematch.

Which version of the former president will appear during the prime-time debate in Atlanta, the capital and largest city in the battleground state of southeast Georgia?

Will it be the unruly candidate who continually interrupted Biden and debate moderator Chris Wallace dozens and dozens of times during their first debate in the 2020 election?

Trump appeared to lose his cool, failed to condemn white supremacists and his performance was widely criticized by political pundits and viewers.


President Trump speaks as former Vice President Joe Biden listens during the first presidential debate hosted by Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland on September 29, 2020. (Kevin Dietsch/UPI/Bloomberg via Getty Images )

The then-president reworked his strategy, and his disciplined, measured performance in the second 2020 general election debate was a marked improvement. But it was too late, as Biden ended up winning the presidential election.

“If he repeats this performance, Donald Trump will have a very good night,” Brett O'Donnell, a longtime Republican consultant and veteran debate coach, told Fox News.


O'Donnell said his advice to Trump was to “watch the second debate you had with Joe Biden in 2020 and replicate that performance. Watch it over and over again and replicate that performance in that debate.”

“He was measured but firm,” O’Donnell said of Trump. “You can be aggressive and passionate without being offensive.”

Donald Trump and Joe Biden debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, October 22, 2020. (Kevin Dietsch/UPI/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

O'Donnell is no stranger to coaching presidential candidates before their debates. He participated in debate preparations for George W. Bush in 2004, Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain of Arizona in 2008, and Republican standard-bearer and then-former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. in 2012.

During this election cycle, O'Donnell coached Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ahead of his debates in the Republican presidential primaries.


O'Donnell says Trump has been more disciplined in this race, saying that “for the most part, he talked about the things he needed to talk about. It's the price of gas and groceries and the fact that people can’t afford their money.” their house or mortgage payments and cannot afford to purchase their first home. These are the kinds of things people want to hear answers to.

Former President Trump attends a rally in Las Vegas on June 9. (Eric Thayer/Washington Post via Getty Images)

“Most Americans think that their personal world and the world at large are in chaos, and they are looking for someone who is going to restore order, and I don't think talking about personal problems helps either of them. other person,” O’Donnell said of Trump and Trump. Biden.

Along the same lines, O'Donnell said Biden should avoid calling Trump “convicted,” as the president has done repeatedly since Trump was found guilty last month on all 34 counts of accusation in the first criminal trial in the country's history against a former or current president. .

“I think it's a huge mistake. I think it plays to Trump's strengths. First of all, I think the American people want this debate to be about their issues and not the candidates' issues.” , O'Donnell said. “So if Joe Biden talks like that about himself and Donald Trump, it only helps Donald Trump because it distracts from the issues they should be talking about.”

O'Donnell added that “highlighting this allows Donald Trump to talk about the justice system in a way that resonates with many Americans. I think that's a mistake.”

He also warned against Trump focusing on Biden's age. At 81, Biden is the oldest president in American history and his health and mental health are a top concern among voters, according to a public opinion poll.

President Biden’s re-election campaign has chastised MSNBC and CNN for ignoring a “Black Voters for Biden-Harris” rally in Philadelphia. (Demetrius Freeman/Washington Post via Getty Images)

“I would let Joe Biden debate this argument rather than Trump mention it directly,” O’Donnell suggested.

He predicted that “Biden will probably be loaded with clever remarks like those of Ronald Reagan in 1984” and that if “Trump does the job he needs to do in the debate, I think the age factor could be brought out by him -even without him provoking it.

For weeks, Trump has ridiculed Biden as “weak, failed and incompetent” and said the president “has no idea,” while questioning whether the outgoing White House president would be ready for him. debate.

But on Tuesday, the Trump campaign tried to portray Biden as a competent debater, with senior adviser Jason Miller telling reporters that the president has “been doing this successfully for 50 years.”

O'Donnell, who spoke with Fox News ahead of Miller's comments Tuesday, warned the former president about “setting the bar low for Joe Biden.”

“We should have high expectations for Joe Biden's debate performance. After all, he is the president of the United States,” O'Donnell said.


O'Donnell said his advice to Biden “is to be careful not to fall into the incumbent's trap. Many, if not most, incumbent presidents in their first debate, whether it's Ronald Reagan or George HW Bush or George W. Bush or Barack Obama, most Incumbents perform poorly in their first debate for the second term.

“So the advice to Biden is to avoid the incumbent trap, because if he falls into it, it's doubly bad because of all the age arguments,” he added.

And O'Donnell stressed that Biden “has to sort of look at the race as a choice to defend his record over the last four years. It's a tall order, but it's something he has to do to justify his choice rather than Donald. Asset.”

“None of these candidates have really set up the race yet so that the American voter understands how they should decide the race,” O'Donnell argued. “And I think the debate is a great place for that. And I think Joe Biden needs to view the race as a choice between him and Donald Trump. And Donald Trump needs to make this race a referendum on Joe Biden.”

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Paul Steinhauser is a political journalist based in New Hampshire.




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