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The four questions Trump and Biden will clash on in the debate

The four questions Trump and Biden will clash on in the debate


President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump clashed for months on the campaign trail, in interviews with reporters and through paid advertisements, creating phantom likenesses of each other to beat and to demolish.

On Thursday, they will face off in a CNN debate in Atlanta, their first face-to-face meeting since their last onstage clash in 2020 and since Mr. Trump tried to overturn Mr. Biden's subsequent victory at the polls . The event will give both of them a rich opportunity to deploy their attack lines and political arguments before a national audience.

Here's what we know about how each man will try to gain the upper hand.

Wins over main lines of attack

Since becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, Mr. Trump and his campaign have focused on attacks on Mr. Biden on immigration and the economy, which polls have shown to be the top concerns of many voters.


As he did during his political rise in 2016, Mr. Trump has made immigration a central goal of his campaign. He is almost guaranteed to blame Mr. Biden for the increase in illegal border crossings, calling the president's policies too permissive.

Mr. Trump says Mr. Biden's approach to immigration fueled violent crime, even though broader statistics don't bear that out, citing several high-profile criminal cases that authorities say involved immigrants illegally present in the United States.

And as he stokes fear around immigration and attempts to place the issue at the center of the election, Mr. Trump has falsely portrayed all those who cross the border as violent criminals or mentally ill. (Families with children make up about 40 percent of all migrants entering the United States this year.)

Seeking to undermine the coalition that elected Mr. Biden, Mr. Trump has claimed without evidence that people across the country were illegally taking the jobs of working-class Black and Hispanic voters, a situation for which he blames Mr. Biden.

Mr. Trump is also likely to attack Mr. Biden's recent executive order on immigration, which prevents migrants from seeking asylum at the southern border when crossings increase. Mr. Trump argued that the measure would still encourage migrants to enter the country, and that it was too little and too late. He says of course Mr. Biden must restore the strict border policies of the Trump presidency.

Biden's rebuttal: With help from Republicans, Mr. Biden got a long-sought border deal through Congress in February. But Mr. Trump quickly called on his allies to torpedo the deal, saying it would be bad policy to take immigration off the table. That gave Mr. Biden someone else to blame for the border crisis.

The American people are going to know why it failed, the president said at the time, a theme he could bring up during the debate. He also condemned Mr. Trump for saying that immigrants were poisoning the blood of the country, a phrase that echoed the language of Adolf Hitler.

The economy and the cost of living

Mr. Trump and his campaign have consistently tried to exploit negative sentiments about the economy to attack Mr. Biden. In his speeches, Mr. Trump frequently accuses the president of doing little to combat the rising costs of food and housing. And he accuses Biden administration policies of contributing to inflation, arguing that increased government spending has caused costs to skyrocket.

More recently, Mr. Trump has tried to tie his message on immigration to the economy, arguing that Mr. Biden's handling of the influx of migrants has driven up costs, a claim he makes without citing clear evidence.

To support his argument, Mr. Trump frequently mentions gasoline and energy costs, which he says were significantly lower under his administration and which he promises to fix by increasing oil drilling.

He frequently asked voters if they were better off under his tenure, pointing to the economic growth he inherited and which continued to grow during his tenure. But Mr Trump often ignores the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the US economy in the final year of his presidency. Some economists say these effects were intensified by decisions he made favoring short-term economic growth over long-term stability.

Biden rebuttal: Mr. Biden returned this year to his hometown, Scranton, Pennsylvania, to emphasize his working-class roots and accuse Mr. Trump of being a puppet of plutocrats rather than a friend of normal people.

At the debate, the president will likely take a Wall Street-like approach and try to deflect criticism of Mr. Trump by highlighting his administration's efforts to lower costs for consumers on things like prescription drugs, bank charges and air travel.

A big question for Trump: To what extent will he attack Biden's mental and physical fitness?

On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump mocked Mr. Biden's physical attributes, imitated his walk and speech and claimed that his rival was not mentally fit to be president. Such attacks are met with loud laughter and cheers at Trump rallies.

It is likely that Mr. Trump will again argue that Mr. Biden is unfit to serve as president. But with Mr. Biden on stage at his side, it is unclear how much strength Mr. Trump will be able to flex, or whether he will rely on the cartoonish impressions favored by his supporters. And any attention drawn to Mr. Biden's mistakes could backfire if Mr. Trump makes gaffes himself, as he has repeatedly done.

Biden's main lines of attack

Mr. Biden and his campaign signaled early and often that they planned to hammer Mr. Trump on abortion and democracy, two issues on which polls show voters place more trust in the president than in his predecessor .

Right to abortion

Democrats have honed a simple message on abortion: Donald Trump did this. And this doesn't just apply to overturning Roe v. Wade.

Since that landmark Supreme Court decision in 2022, Mr. Biden and his allies have attacked Mr. Trump over abortion bans in Arizona and Florida, a court ruling in Alabama that jeopardized the use of in vitro fertilization and efforts to limit access to birth control. .

Let's be clear. There is one person responsible for this nightmare, and he has admitted it and bragged about it: Donald Trump, Mr. Biden said at a campaign event in Florida shortly before a ban took effect of six-week abortion in this country.

Protecting abortion access has strong cross-party appeal, as successful referendum efforts in red states have shown. And on the campaign trail, Mr. Biden made a broader argument that Mr. Trump was seeking to take the country backward on equality for women, including by allowing state governments to monitor their pregnancies and prosecute them for providing abortions.

Trump’s rebuttal: After sending mixed signals for months, Mr. Trump said in April that he believed abortion rights should be left to the states and that he would not sign a federal ban if Congress proposed one. He falsely insists that most Americans were happy to leave abortion restrictions to the states, even as he has criticized strict abortion bans. And he has sidestepped questions about mifepristone, a drug widely used in medication abortions.


Few topics make Mr. Biden more animated than the threat he says Mr. Trump poses to American democracy.

The president has given speeches and his campaign has produced ads dedicated to the issue. He attacked Mr. Trump for his role in the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, highlighted the former president's comments that he would not be a dictator except on day one and accused him of encouraging political violence.

My friends, what is at risk in 2024 is our freedoms, our very democracy, Mr. Biden said in Detroit last month. And that is not hyperbole.

On several occasions, the president nearly cursed Mr. Trump by name or challenged him to a fight when he discussed the brutal attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Trump Rebuttal: Mr. Trump frequently claims that Mr. Biden talks about democracy in order to distract Americans from his policies. He then points the finger at Mr. Biden as a greater threat to democracy, citing his evidence-free claim that the president orchestrated the four criminal cases against him and is using the Justice Department as a weapon to pursue and persecute him. .

A big question for Biden: Will he call Trump a convicted felon?

Mr. Biden generally showed restraint when speaking about Mr. Trump's guilty verdict in his Manhattan hush money case. Some Democrats urged him to be more aggressive and loudly call his opponent a convicted felon.

On stage in Atlanta, he will have the opportunity to highlight his conviction, even though Mr. Trump is almost certain to repeat his false allegations that the president was behind the affair.




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