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Tucker Carlson fumes over Australian journalist's 'absurd soliloquy' after calling him Putin's useful idiot

Tucker Carlson fumes over Australian journalist's 'absurd soliloquy' after calling him Putin's useful idiot


Tucker Carlson, former famous Fox anchor and now right-wing advocate, recently visited Australia and was questioned by a local journalist for spreading Russian President Vladimir Putin's propaganda. Carlson couldn't keep his cool when Sydney Morning Herald political correspondent Paul Sakkal called him a useful idiot for the Russian president.

Tucker Carlson taunted by Australian journalist after being called Putin's useful idiot.
Tucker Carlson provoked by Australian journalist after being called Putin's useful idiot.

Tucker Carlson exchanges with an Australian journalist

After a difficult start in which Carlson shouted when he heard Putin's name and without letting the reporter ask his question, he began a speech.

To which Sakkal intervened: You anticipated my question about President Putin. »

But Carlson didn't listen and continued his theatrics. He's so bad! Carlson exclaimed sarcastically, laughing. Did he force you to get the COVID vaccine?

When Sakkal retorted that vaccines had saved millions of lives, Carlson refused to believe him.

Oh yeah. Safe and effective. This is why everyone loves media! he mocked the journalist. It's like a time capsule. It's like you're the last Japanese soldier on Okinawa who thinks the wars are still going on. No, it didn't save millions of lives.

To which Sakkal, visibly irritated, interjected: Can I have the full [question] without interruption? Once Carlson finally allowed Sakkal to continue, he moved forward.

I'm interested in your position on Putin. The many people in this crowd who would love a conservative prime minister in this country like John Howard, Tony Abbott, mainstream right-wingers like Boris Johnson, Australian liberals and some of their MPs are vehemently anti-Putin, he said. It starts.

They consider him to be a reprehensible character who does not believe in the values ​​of conservatism, such as the rule of law and democracy, which give us the freedoms we have in our country. I'm interested: do you feel some degree of shame or regret at being called a useful idiot? He asked. Carlson, embarrassed, started by laughing before continuing with his usual grandstanding.

Crossing all bounds of decency, Carlson then called Sakkal's lengthy question an absurd monologue and accused him of giving lip service to things.

Carlson then, as expected, diverted the subject to return to Sakkal's characterization of Boris Johnson.

Firstly, I remain faithful to the idea that Boris Johnson is a right-wing man. Do you know Boris Johnson? I do. Boris Johnson is a criminal buffoon who, like so many others who claim to love Ukraine, is single-handedly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in this war that Ukraine cannot win, he said. -he declares.

And I would just like to refer you to Wikipedia. How many more people does Russia have than Ukraine? Do you know? 100 million. And in a country where this figure is relevant, it is not possible for Ukraine to beat Russia. The best they can do is seek peace. This is known, notably by [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky, who has wanted this since the first days of this conflict, he continued. And Boris Johnson, on the orders of the Biden administration, ended peace negotiations almost two years ago, and this is not a disputed fact, it is a fact admitted by everyone, and Ukraine was completely destroyed.

The point made by him has been disputed, a study in Foreign Affairs has another story to tell.

Carlson continued: “And now Zelensky has passed a law allowing foreign companies to own land there. So tell me what Ukraine will look like in 30 years, when it will be completely owned by Blackrock and multinational corporations, and its population will not be Ukrainian? All right?

Carlson concluded: The tragedy of what happened in Ukraine, orchestrated by Western powers, including your government, and directed by my government, I am ashamed of and I hope you are too, is truly the one of the greatest crimes of my life. So the idea that if you're against this, you're for Putinwell, of course, is absurd, he insisted.

Watch the full Tucker Carlson exchange

Sakkal's article in his publication responded to Carlson's rant: “This top-seeded question about whether he felt embarrassed conducting an interview with Putin that was described by the Russian dictator as softball was drowned out by the barbs of the crowd. They were excited by Carlson himself speaking about the issue at hand.

Tucker Carlson supporters rejoice at his response

Carlson's fans on social media are now hailing his defense as a brutal response to woke journalism. Using terms such as Tucker Carlson destroyed, “demolished the indoctrinated left-wing Australian journalist” and “Tucker Carlson just humiliated a lying mainstream media journalist”, they hailed him as a hero.

However, Republicans Against Trump, X Handle called him a “Russian asset.”




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