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I'm a Zoomer. Here's how Trump can win over voters like me.

I'm a Zoomer.  Here's how Trump can win over voters like me.


I am a Gen Z independent voter. I identify as a libertarian, fiscally conservative, and socially liberal.

I don't think Biden is good for the economy, and I don't think Trump is good for the social fabric either. In fact, I'm part of the 63% of my generation who doesn't like either candidate.

But I think Trump can win over more Zoomers if he leans heavily on the economy, smooths over divisions and appears sharp, especially since only 9% of my generation thinks the country is heading in the right direction.

The first point is Trump's strongest inroads with young voters. A recent Harvard youth poll found that when it comes to the economy, we trust him over Biden by a whopping 15-point advantage.

Young voters have more confidence in Trump than Biden on the economy. P.A.

We want to hear that our economic future is the focus of his campaign, because as things stand, Gen Z is actually worse off financially than millennials, thanks to inflation and debt .

We are coming into a broken economy, and Trump should point out Biden's terrible economic record in terms of how it affects our future.

And, on that note, Trump would be wise to actually acknowledge the student debt debate.

While Biden has chaotically attempted to secure a pardon and been brought to his knees by the courts, Democrats have never provided a positive, restorative vision for how we can prevent the next generation, my generation, from falling into the same doom loop as Millennials.

Biden tried to win over young voters by canceling student loans. Getty Images

Simply canceling student debt does not help the next cohort of students who must find their way around the world. Trump should wage war on rising tuition costs and consider promoting alternative pathways like trade schools.

Second, the border crisis also concerns my generation.

According to Harvard, only 16% of 18-29 year olds disagree with the statement that the United States is experiencing an immigration crisis at the southern border.

Trump is expected to highlight how a massive influx of migrants into the country will affect our future, from job prospects to social cohesion and law and order.

But, more than the issues at stake, I think the optics of Thursday's debate are essential. As macabre as it sounds, Trump can win over Zoomers by looking alive.

Age, optics and cognitive abilities are at the heart of Thursday's debate. AFP via Getty Images

It hasn't gone unnoticed by Gen Z voters that our president simply doesn't agree. Clips of Biden, 81, inexplicably wandering off and losing his train of thought mid-sentence are not only being shown on Fox News, they are also constantly going viral on TikTok.

Biden has never managed to inspire confidence in his cognitive abilities and leadership ability. If Trump can, at 79, look relatively sharp, and energetic in comparison on the debate stage, I think this evening will belong to him.

But, more importantly, I think Trump needs to allay our fears that he will further weaken the social fabric.

Although his spontaneous, unfiltered, and often bombastic tone appeals to many voters, it repels me and many of my peers.

Trump actually scores better among younger Zoomers than older ones. REUTERS

Most of us really only remember the lesser evil elections of 2016 and 2020. We saw politics ruin friendships, throw Thanksgiving tables into chaos, and divide our nation.

We're at a point where 57% of Republicans and 41% of Democrats say the other side is better described as “enemies” than “political opponents.” This is an unsustainable place as a diverse, pluralistic democracy, and I think Trump played no small role in getting us there.

As a young voter, divisions are simply not attractive. We have a vested interest in keeping our country together in the long term.

What Trump shouldn't do is give the mainstream media a reason to pretend he's on a revenge tour, or have voters see him as an incendiary provocateur who fuels divisions. It's time to take the high road.

Stirring up divisions could discourage young voters of all stripes. P.A.

I know Gen Z adults have a reputation for being ultra-woke, and the idea of ​​them voting red may seem unthinkable, but it's really not that far off.

Among my generation, Trump trails Biden by only 8%. He actually does better among 18-24 year-olds than among 25-29 year-olds.

Right now, young voters, like people of all ages, are extremely dissatisfied, uninspired and disillusioned. Most of us think we need a change, and it's up to Trump to prove to us that he's the one.




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