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Nicholay Aprilindo sends open letter to President Joko Widodo regarding Vina's death

Nicholay Aprilindo sends open letter to President Joko Widodo regarding Vina's death


HARIANNKRI.ID Legal scholar Dr. Nicholay Aprilindo SH MM sent an electronic open letter to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo regarding Vina's murder, requesting that an investigation team into Vina's death be formed in Crebon. It was felt that the disclosure of this matter would hurt the sentiments of legal practitioners and the public, as it was stated to be full of fabrication.

To, Nicho confirmed that he had written an electronic open letter to President Joko Widodo.

Yes, it's true. In fact, I wrote an electronic open letter to President Joko Widodo. In the case of Vina's death, I think President Joko Widodo must form an investigation team. “There are too many irregularities and there are strong indications that there is a trick,” Nichoke told via cellular connection, Thursday (06/27/2024).

This is the content of Nicholay Aprilindo's electronic open letter to President Joko Widodo regarding Vina's death.


In Yth.

Mr President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Ir. H. Joko Widodo.

In place.

Subject: Creation of an investigation team.

Assalamualaikum Wb.

Yours faithfully,

By this electronic letter, I, the undersigned:

Nama: Dr. Nicholay Aprilindo, SHMM

Profession: Lawyer / Activist-Jurist.

Hereby act for and on behalf of yourself as a community and in your profession as an activist-practitioner/legal attorney and also act as a member of the legal team for the parents and families of the 7 (seven ) “convicted”, in the case of the death of the late Vina and the late Rizky in Cirebon who were members of the DPN PERADI legal team.

On this occasion, I express with all my respect and gratitude to Mr. President who agreed to pay particular attention to the case of the death of Vina-Rizky, but in its implementation at the level of the forces order on the ground, especially the West Java Regional Police who are currently in charge of the case with the new “fugitive” suspect named Pegi alias Perong, many irregularities and obstacles have still been noted, even the file which had been submitted (P-21) to the Bandung Higher Prosecution Prosecutor's Office after being submitted. examined had many gaps that had to be filled and on June 27, 2024, it was returned to the investigators of the West Java Regional Police for completion (P-19).

The above reinforces the public's belief that all Indonesians who care about law enforcement in Indonesia, as well as legal practitioners and legal scholars, believe that this case is full of irregularities and “fabrication.”

For this reason, in order to ward off the alleged fabrication and achieve justice, legal certainty and legal benefits for all Indonesians, especially the families of the victims and especially the 7 (seven) lifers accused of committing the crime . of premeditated murder against the victims Vina and Rizky and his family, therefore, as an activist and legal practitioner and also as an ordinary citizen, with all due respect, I request the honorable Mr. President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo from the last period of his service to the people, the nation and the state of the Republic of Indonesia to immediately take very serious legal political measures, including forming a “TEAM SPECIAL TO FIND THE FACTS ON THE VINA & RIZKY CASE »

The team has a maximum working time of 2 (two) months and the team works transparently, simultaneously and the investigation team includes qualified people, with integrity, who have high principles and ideals in law enforcement matters. The research team will be formed by the President, consisting of academics/researchers/criminal law experts, integrity criminal law practitioners/lawyers, integrity police experts, integrity prosecution experts, intelligence experts , forensic psychologists, forensic experts from universities, Komnas HAM. , LPSK, Strategic Intelligence Agency, which reports directly to the Coordinator of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and is directly responsible to the President.

The main task of the investigation team is to research the facts that actually happened, to reveal, examine, research, analyze and reveal the real facts that happened in the death case by Vina-Rizky, clearly based on empirical facts and scientific facts obtained in “Investigation in a Scientific Way” uses the “SIABIDIBAMI Formula” and can be held accountable to the public/society, in order to ensure justice, legal certainty and benefits.

This is our demand as a community and as activists and legal practitioners who truly care about creating just law enforcement based on Pancasila.

For your attention to our letter, we would like to thank Mr. President Joko Widodo, may God grant wisdom and health to Mr. President and his family, Aamiin

Jakarta June 27, 2024


Dr. Nicholay Aprilindo, SH, MM




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