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A founding member of the nationalist Y party resigns and castigates the ex-leader


Koray Aydn, one of the founders of the nationalist Y (Good) party, announced his resignation from the party, harshly criticizing the former Y leader for the party's poor performance in the last elections and her rapprochement with President Recep Tayyip Erdoan .

Aydn, a former minister, said in a statement broadcast on X on Thursday that a recent meeting Meral Akener had with President Erdoan at the presidential palace was the “last straw” for him.

Akener held a surprise meeting with Erdoan at his presidential compound in Ankara on June 5, sparking speculation about the purpose of the meeting and whether Erdoan was seeking to define the direction of other parties.

Aydn accused Party Y of deviating from the goals it set when it was founded in 2017 and toeing the government line.

He said that the Y Party was founded to fight against all kinds of injustices and illegalities in the country and against the one-man rule established by Erdoan, but said the party's policies have evolved in a way that supports the expansion of Erdoan's regime.

A video of Akener promising to fight to the death against Erdoan, which she made during a Y party group meeting three years ago, went viral on social media after her meeting with Erdoan , with many accusing him of breaking his word and softening his stance. against Erdoan for his personal gain.

Aydn held Akener responsible for Party Y's loss of support in the March 31 local elections, saying the party's vote collapse was the result of incorrect decisions made by Akener in the run-up to the elections.

The politician said he regretted having to make the decision and would continue to serve as an independent lawmaker in parliament.

Akener bid farewell to his role as party leader at an extraordinary party congress in April after Party Y suffered a defeat in the March 31 elections, winning just 3.7 percent of the vote nationwide. national, comprising only one provincial municipality and 23 district municipalities and seven urban municipalities. .

Akener has been at the head of the party since its creation in 2017. She announced after the local elections on March 31 that she would not seek re-election as head of the party.

The deputy chairman of the party group, Msavat Derviolu, was elected as the new party leader. Aydn, who also ran for the party leadership, lost the election.

Party Y was created by Akener, a former member of the far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), as an alternative to nationalists and center-right Turkish voters after she split from the MHP.

Party Y was able to enter Parliament in the 2018 general elections thanks to its alliance with the main opposition party, the Republican People's Party (CHP), which helped it bypass the 10% electoral threshold. Akener ran against President Recep Tayyip Erdoan in the 2018 presidential election, but was defeated.

An influential figure in Turkish politics, Akener served as interior minister from November 1996 to June 1997. She was accused of links to mafia groups as well as her role in unsolved murders and enforced disappearances that were common in the southeast of the country, with a Kurdish majority. in the 1990s.

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