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Top Pakistani general broke secret deal

Top Pakistani general broke secret deal


From his prison cell, former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has expressed increasing criticism of Pakistani army chief Asim Munir's desire to seize political power, according to several sources who remain in close contact with Khan.

The communications include new allegations about Khan's history with Munir. According to people in contact with the imprisoned prime minister, Khan is making new allegations that Munir violated an agreement on neutrality in Pakistani politics in exchange for Khan accepting his appointment as army chief.

Imran Khan makes new allegations that Asim Munir violated an agreement on neutrality in Pakistani politics in return for Khan accepting his appointment as army chief.

The ousted prime minister also alleges that Munir conspired with his civilian political rivals, including former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, to cooperate against him in exchange for dropping corruption charges that had forced Sharif into exile.

The escalation of the personal conflict between Khan and Munir also looms large in communications. Khan alleges that Munir ordered Pakistani intelligence agents to kill him and that the general covered up the assassination attempts by suppressing a police investigation and burying CCTV footage.

Khan's allegations about Munir come as the general continues to amass political power and wage a brutal crackdown on rival political parties, activists and the press in Pakistan.

The crackdown included the removal and imprisonment of Khan, Pakistan's most popular politician; violence and arrests targeting his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, or PTI; and rigged elections in February.

Khan's fate remains the biggest unanswered question in the country's politics, which prison releases say is driven by acrimony between him and Munir.

Pakistan's military leader Asim Munir is now targeting American families of pro-democracy activists.

As the transnational crackdown reaches the United States, the military has reportedly arrested family members of Pakistan-based rivals living in the United States and Canada. The crackdown has drawn increasingly strong condemnations from American officials.

Last week, Rep. Ro Khanna, Democrat of California, released a video statement condemning the targeting of Americans' family members and called for sanctions against Pakistan's military leaders, including Munir.

Pakistani military ruler Asim Munir is now targeting American families of pro-democracy activists, Khanna said. We all know that Pakistan's elections were rigged and Imran Khan is still in jail. The United States must sanction Asim Munir and any Pakistani military leader who attacks Americans.

Assassination attempts

Khan's allegations regarding Munir were shared with The Intercept by a number of sources close to him who requested anonymity to protect their safety.

In the communications, Khan alleges the existence of CCTV footage and other evidence showing that Munir concocted a plan to have Khan killed during a tumultuous court appearance on March 18, 2023.

Khan's car was mobbed by spectators as they drove to court, some of whom Khan said were Inter-Services Intelligence officers dressed in civilian clothes. The attempt on his life, Khan says, was only thwarted by a crowd of PTI supporters who surrounded his car.

Khan also offered his own account of a November 2022 incident, when he was injured in a shootout at a political rally that killed one of his supporters. The Pakistani government has arrested only one person for that attack, which authorities say was motivated by religious extremism.

According to sources close to the former prime minister, Khan accused Munir of being behind the cover-up of the incident. The general, he claims, blocked an independent investigation into the attack and eyewitness accounts pointed to the involvement of multiple attackers.

A truck painted with a portrait of Pakistani army chief General Asim Munir in Islamabad on August 16, 2023. Photo: Farooq Naeem/AFP via Getty Images Munir's political games

Pakistan has become hostage to the political clash between Khan and Munir, with the former prime minister now imprisoned on charges widely seen as politicized.

Khan claims that Munir negotiated with his civilian political rivals, including Sharif, the former prime minister, to spare them from corruption charges. In return, politicians like Sharif supported Khan's imprisonment and the crackdown on his party.

Khan claims that Munir negotiated with his civilian political rivals, including former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, to spare them from corruption charges.

A crackdown on extrajudicial killings, torture, mass detentions and other sweeping measures aimed at dismantling the PTI has so far failed to dampen Khan's popularity. In last February's elections, PTI-affiliated candidates won broad support, according to exit polls, before military-sponsored electoral manipulation allowed the formation of a PTI coalition government. Khan's opposition.

Khan calls the events a betrayal of Munir. According to Khans, according to his close sources, the prime minister's fall was precipitated after Munir reneged on a deal. Khan says that as then-prime minister he had the power to block Munir's ascension to the country's top military post, but allowed it to continue after the general's emissaries have said he plans to stay out of politics.

Munir, like Pakistani military leaders before him, plays a leading role in the country's political affairs.

Khan's legal status remains in flux after serious corruption and espionage charges against him were dismissed by the court. The former prime minister now remains imprisoned solely on charges of illegally marrying his third wife, in violation of religious guidelines.

Meanwhile, the PTI remains at odds with the military establishment, with faltering attempts at mediation to resolve Pakistan's ongoing political impasse having so far failed.

Intensification of repression and crises

Khan's removal by his military and civilian rivals took place in a 2022 vote of no confidence called under pressure from the United States over the prime minister's foreign policy positions.

Since its withdrawal, Pakistan has been shaken by overlapping economic and political crises which have paralyzed this country of 200 million inhabitants.

Even though Khan and the PTI are sidelined, the military continues its attempts to suppress speech. This year, the military blocked X and issued a statement denouncing “digital terrorism.” Government officials also discussed imposing a national internet firewall in the country.

Khan's personal security is widely seen as under threat by his supporters, including Pakistani Americans who recently pushed for Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to contact the Pakistani government about his security.

In addition to blaming Munir for betraying his trust and attempting to engineer his assassination, Khan has repeatedly raised from prison the specter that the general was leading the country toward a repeat of its traumatic 1971 partition , a bitter embarrassment for Pakistani nationalists.

Partition occurred following a crackdown and massacre carried out by the army after the victory of an army rival in elections. The civil war caused the eastern half of the country to secede to become the nation of Bangladesh.




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