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Erdoan calls for calm in the face of escalating violence


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan reiterated the urgent need to resort to diplomacy to resolve ongoing regional conflicts, including the Russia-Ukraine war, calling on the world community to take steps to end the ongoing Israeli massacres, which threaten global security.

Erdoan welcomed his Estonian counterpart Alar Karis in an official ceremony at the presidential complex in Ankara.

The president said Trkiye was promoting peace in the war between Russia and Ukraine and that only diplomacy could end the destruction in Ukraine. He noted that initiatives excluding Russia would not yield any results.

Trkiye, a NATO member, maintains close ties with both countries and has sought to balance relations throughout the war. Previously, it hosted the first high-level talks between the conflicting countries. Since then, he has actively worked to secure a permanent ceasefire between the belligerents, while playing a delicately balanced mediating role by keeping communication channels open with both sides, calling for diplomatic efforts and emphasizing that the war can only end at the negotiating table.

Ukraine has long aimed to contribute to the establishment of a humanitarian corridor, and last week's tripartite summit between Turkish, Russian and Ukrainian mediators was a step towards realizing President Erdoğan's previous suggestion to establish a humanitarian corridor in the conflict zone.

President Erdoan also reiterated Ankara's stance against the ongoing massacres carried out by Israel in Gaza, which he said not only threaten regional stability but also pose a threat to global security.

Asserting that permanent peace can be achieved through a two-state solution, Erdoan said the international community must show firmness in the face of Israeli attacks.

Under Erdoan's leadership, Türk has become the most important voice in the world defending the Palestinian cause. Türk believes that recognition of Palestine could pave the way for a definitive resolution of the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The visiting president held official meetings to discuss bilateral relations and regional and international issues.

Trkiye and Estonia are NATO allies and cooperate extensively in the defence sector.

Karis supports Trkiye's EU membership, highlights strategic dialogue

At the same time, Karis affirmed his country's unwavering support for Turkey's bid for EU membership, emphasizing the importance of the ongoing dialogue between Ankara and Brussels.

Karis hailed Turkey as a crucial strategic partner for the security of the EU's neighbourhood.

Regarding the roots of bilateral relations, Karis stressed that Estonia opened its first consulate in Istanbul in 1929 and acknowledged Trkiye's historical position on the Soviet occupation of Estonia.

Karis also highlighted the NATO alliance between Estonia and Turkey, stressing joint efforts in transatlantic security initiatives.

Regarding recent collaborative efforts, Karis cited Estonia which sent search and rescue teams following the February 6, 2023 earthquakes that struck southern Trkiye, killing more than 53,500 people, highlighting ongoing bilateral cooperation.

After the press conference, Erdoan hosted a state dinner in honor of Karis, attended by officials from both countries.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Trkiye and Estonia, Karis began a three-day official visit to Trkiye on Wednesday at the invitation of Erdoan.

The Sabah Daily News Bulletin

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