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Donald Trump's aides view Joe Biden as prone to verbal outbursts. (File)


U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will meet on a debate stage Thursday for the first of two televised showdowns that could prove crucial in their tight rematch to win the White House in November.

Here's what you need to know:


The first debate will air at 9 p.m. ET Thursday (0100 GMT Friday) on CNN and will be broadcast from an Atlanta studio without a live audience.

It can also be viewed on CNN affiliates, without a cable connection at and is available for simulcast on other U.S. channels.

With more than four months to go until the November 5 vote, the CNN debate will be the oldest presidential debate in modern US history.

Television news network ABC announced it would host the second presidential debate on September 10, also from a studio without an audience.


Hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the CNN debate. The ABC shows will be hosted by anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis.


CNN said only Biden and Trump met its requirements to participate in the debate: appearing on enough state ballots to potentially win the presidency and receiving at least 15% in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was unsuccessful.

ABC will also require debaters to appear on enough ballots to reach 270 electoral votes and earn at least 15% in four separate national polls.


During Thursday's 90-minute debate, candidates will appear at a uniform podium, will be provided with pen, paper and a bottle of water and will not be able to use props or notes, CNN said.

“Microphones will be muted throughout the debate, except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak,” and moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” CNN said.

Biden will be at the podium on the right side of viewers' screens, and Trump will have the final say after a coin toss.

Campaign staff will not be able to interact with the candidates during the two commercial breaks, and there will be no studio audience.

Rules for the ABC debate have not yet been announced.


U.S. presidential debates often draw tens of millions of viewers and have historically determined the course of some elections. This time, strategists say there are risks for both candidates, who are locked in a tight race and share low voter enthusiasm.

Biden, 81, and former President Trump, 78, are the oldest candidates to ever run for president and viewers are sure to question their cognitive abilities and emotional stability.

Trump aides see Biden as prone to verbal blunders that could amplify voters' concerns about the president's age.

Biden aides believe the debates could hurt Trump by exposing his volatility and occasional shift in position on issues such as abortion.

Biden's campaign hopes to talk about abortion and Trump's campaign hopes to talk about immigration, but CNN moderators will decide the questions.

Topics could include: how candidates would handle the challenges of persistently high food prices, migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, and the ongoing wars between Israel and Hamas and between Russia and Ukraine.

Trump's role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, efforts to overturn the 2020 election and his conviction on 34 counts of involvement in a hush-money scheme could come up during the debate, as could the legal troubles facing Biden's son, Hunter, who was convicted of lying about his drug use to illegally purchase a gun.


The campaign team will then be on hand to speak to reporters in the “chat room.”

The Biden campaign declined to say whether the president might bring guests to the debate, but California Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to attend.

The Trump campaign is hosting a watch party in Atlanta, with presumptive Republican vice presidential nominees — North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and JD Vance, and others listed as “special guests “.


Former President Trump and Biden debated twice during the 2020 campaign, with their first exchange devolving into a chaotic argument.

According to Nielsen Media Research, more than 73 million people tuned in to watch the first Biden-Trump debate in 2020.

For the second debate, moderators said they would mute each candidate's microphone to allow the other to speak uninterrupted for the first two minutes of each debate segment. But the candidates behaved more civilly, and the mute button was not a major factor.

A third debate was canceled after Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and spent three days in the hospital. He declined to participate in a virtual event.


Traditionally, there are three presidential debates, but a third Trump-Biden matchup has not yet been announced.

Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted an invitation from CBS News to participate in a vice presidential debate on July 23 or Aug. 13, according to a spokesperson for her campaign.

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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