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President's speech laid out roadmap for progress and good governance, PM Modi says

President's speech laid out roadmap for progress and good governance, PM Modi says


New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said President Droupadi Murmu's speech in the House of Representatives presented a road map of progress and good governance.

PM Modi shared a post on

“Rashtrapati Ji’s address to both Houses of Parliament was comprehensive and laid out a roadmap of progress and good governance. It covered the progress India has made as well as the potential that lies ahead. His speech also touched upon some of the major challenges that we need to collectively overcome to ensure a qualitative change in the lives of our citizens,” the Prime Minister wrote on X.

Union Minister Jayant Chaudhary said the President gave a message of solidarity, aimed at taking the country forward and how can we make it a developed country by 2047.

“It's a very good positive message and it's a special occasion. The President has given us a message of solidarity, of moving the country forward and how can we make it a developed country by 2047. She has a clear vision and a clear path Our democratic institutions are strong, we are proud of them and we have confidence in them,” he said.

“She spoke about the excellent role played by the Election Commission, how common people came out to vote, how women decided their future by coming out to vote for a government and a representative of their choice,” the Union Minister added.

Union Minister Ramdas Athawale said: “The President's speech mentions the government's decisions. The new projects will be included in the budget, but there is no reason for the opposition to criticise them. The President's speech was good… There is no fact in the opposition's allegations.”

Earlier, President Murmu had assured the nation on Thursday that in the upcoming parliamentary sessions, major economic and social decisions and historic milestones would be announced in the Union Budget.

“A stable government with a complete majority has been formed in the country after six decades. People have shown their confidence in this government for the third time. People are aware that only this government can fulfil their aspirations. The 18th Lok Sabha is historic in many ways. “This Lok Sabha was formed in the early years of the Amrit Kaal. This Lok Sabha will also witness the 56th year of adoption of the Constitution of the country,” she said.

“In the upcoming sessions, this government will present the first budget of this term. This budget will be an effective document of the government's far-reaching policies and futuristic vision. Along with major economic and social decisions, many historical milestones will also be visible in this budget,” President Murmu added.

In her speech in Parliament, the President said the government was striving to make India the third largest economy.

“The determination to reform, perform and transform has made India the fastest growing economy in the world today. In 10 years, India has moved from the 11th to the fifth largest economy. From 2021 to 2024, India has grown at an average of 8 per cent,” she said.

“Despite pandemic and conflicts in different parts of the world, India has managed to achieve this growth rate. This has become possible due to reforms and decisions taken in national interest in the last 10 years. Today, India contributes 15 per cent of the global growth. My government is working to make India the third largest economy in the world,” the President added.




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