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Erdogan supports Hezbollah in its war against Israel


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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan promised on June 26 to support Lebanon if a full-scale war broke out between Iran’s terrorist proxy Hezbollah and Israel. In a speech to lawmakers from his Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP), Erdogan claimed that Israel had turned its eyes toward Lebanon after destroying and burning Gaza. Ignoring Hezbollah’s unprovoked cross-border attacks that began in the wake of Hamas’s atrocities in Israel on October 7, displacing more than 60,000 Israelis, from their northern homes, Erdogan said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plans to expand the war to the region would lead to a great catastrophe and that Turkey stood with the brotherly people and state from Lebanon. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz reprimand Erdogan said the Turkish president was a war criminal who was slaughtering innocent Kurds across the Syrian border and was trying to deny Israel its right to self-defense against an Iranian-backed terrorist organization.

Expert analysis

So far, in the Gaza conflict, Erdogan has relied primarily on direct support for Hamas. It is now becoming clear that Ankara will support the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah. Both strategies have the same goal, which is not to prevent a broader regional conflict, work for the release of Israeli hostages, or implement post-conflict scenarios. Erdogan’s maneuvers are aimed solely at weakening and humiliating Israel. Given its support for Hamas, Ankara is unlikely to object to working with another regional terrorist entity to achieve these goals. It already has a long history of supporting radical jihadist entities in Syria, which Turkey relies on to attack the United States’ Kurdish partners. Sinan SeriouslyNon-resident principal investigator FDD

Erdogan and Nasrallah have the same vision. Turkey is following Hezbollah’s threats to target countries like Cyprus that have worked productively with Israel on regional security. Iran is of course pulling the strings, working tirelessly to prepare an international media campaign in favor of Hezbollah. Hezbollah, like Hamas, could use Turkey as an external platform for funding and logistical support. Erdogan, through his anti-Israel rhetoric and actions, has already positioned Turkey as a life raft for Hezbollah should Israel take further military action in Lebanon. Tyler StapletonDirector of Congressional Relations at FDD Action

Hamas in Türkiye

Erdogan has long offered refuge to Hamas members in Türkiye. In 2011, Hamas established a presence in Türkiye at the direct invitation of the Turkish government. Ankara has also provided passports to senior Hamas leaders, including Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh and his now-deceased deputy Saleh al-Arouri. On May 14, the London press agency The temperature reported that Israeli troops discovered documents at the home of a high-ranking Hamas terrorist in Gaza, describing plans to establish a base in Turkey.

Ankara's campaign against Israel

Erdogan continues to castigate Israel since the Hamas massacre on October 7. At a pro-Hamas rally on October 28, Erdogan called Israel's defensive actions in Gaza are a massacre and he said Turkey was preparing to tell the whole world that Israel is a war criminal. Erdogan also compared with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a message to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and falsely accused Israel of to commit genocide in Gaza.

On May 1, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan announcement that Turkey would join South Africa's genocide complaint against Israel at the International Court of Justice. The next day, Turkey suspended trade with Israel. Ankara published a communicated on May 2, confirming that all exports and imports to and from Israel have been suspended until the Israeli government allows an uninterrupted and sufficient flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Will Turkey work with Hezbollah? by Sinan Ciddi

Hamas leader meets Turkish president, considers leaving Qatar for Turkey, says FDD flash memo

10 Things to Know About Hamas and Turkey, FDD Insight




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