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Donald Trump will try to destroy Jake Tapper during the presidential debate

Donald Trump will try to destroy Jake Tapper during the presidential debate


Donald Trump may face Joe Biden in Thursday's presidential debate on CNN, but it will be Jake Tapper who will be his real enemy.

The moderator will likely be the target of repeated jabs from Trump that a network executive who has hosted previous debates involving the former president told the Beast would be impossible for Tapper and his co-moderator Dana Bash to stop.

Trump and his allies have spent weeks signaling that they would go after CNN and particularly Jake Tapper, long the target of MAGA vituperation, and have ramped up their rhetoric in recent days.

He made this point clear to influencer and boxer Logan Paul in a June 13 interview, chastising Tapper as Fake Tapper with a caveat: I got along great with Jake Tapper.

“Look, CNN is the enemy,” Trump added. “They thought I was going to transform CNN and Tapper [down.]

He said Saturday at a rally in Philadelphia that the debate was moderated by Fake Tapper, who really hates Trump. Tapper grew up in the city.

And again, in an interview with the Washington Examiner, Trump repeatedly referred to the CNN anchor as the fake Tapper throughout the conversation.

The breadcrumb trail extends to his family and closest minions. Eric Trump complained to Fox’s Maria Bartiromo that Tapper had already compared my father to Hitler on Sunday. A day later, CNN host Kasie Hunt ended an interview with Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt after she claimed Tapper was a biased host.

There is no magic bullet for this.

Well, first of all, it would take someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper Donald Trump to see that Jake Tapper consistently started saying what Leavitt started saying, which prompted Hunt to intervene.

Ma'am, we are going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues, Hunt said before abruptly ending the interview.

CNN spent weeks preparing Tapper for an attack from Trump. The channel has more power on its side than in previous debates. Trump has no audience to interact with. The presence of a noisy, pro-Trump crowd was partly to blame for the network's disastrous town hall meeting with the candidate in New Hampshire last May. And when Trump and Biden meet, tonight's rules will allow Tapper and Bash to mute their mics if they try to talk over each other.

But the former network executive who produced some of Trump's previous 16 debates said that may not matter.

One can control a candidate through production mechanisms and try to enforce the rules that way, the executive said.

The much trickier question is: How do you try to regulate the conversation when candidates aren't playing by the rules? And honestly, there's really no silver bullet for this, and there's really no preparation that can explain why this is. You just need to get the moderator used to this kind of confrontation and this kind of interaction.

The expected assault on Fake Tapper is the latest example of how Trump works with referees, the network executive said, and it's working for his base.

Criticizing an institution like the mainstream media has been a tenet of the MAGA movement since the beginning, the official said. It obviously appeals to those voters, and so there’s no reason not to repeat a winning line of attack. I also think that, you know, manipulating the outcome of the debate has always been part of that process.

President Trump should reverse this.

The last Trump debate hosted by the CNN anchor was in March 2016, a debate that Tapper said was much more civilized than he expected. “We were expecting a much more boisterous and disruptive crowd,” Tapper told the Los Angeles Times. “Instead, we were able to ask all the questions we wanted.”

Trump acolytes used Tapper as a figurehead for their anger at CNN. Axios reported as early as 2017 that GOP operatives tried to convince a conservative-friendly site to write a hit article about Tapper after a controversial interview between him and Kellyanne Conway, and MAGA media outlets attempted to profile Thursday's debate like a three-way debate. an attack on Trump.

CNN owes you an apology today, Steve Bannon told Leavitt on an episode of War Room Monday. And if we don't apologize to Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign, and MAGA today, President Trump should cancel this show.

Trump’s attacks on debate moderators are nothing new. He got into a fight with Fox’s Chris Wallace during the first presidential debate in 2020, lamenting that he was debating with you, not [Biden], and he complained on Twitter about NBC's Kristen Welker before the second debate, saying she had always been terrible and unfair. (Trump did not rebuke her directly during the debate, and he eventually did a one-on-one interview with Welker to launch her bid as Meet the Press moderator.)

Tapper did not directly respond to Trump's comments before the debate, though CNN released a statement praising him and Bash, saying there are no two people better equipped to co-moderate a substantive, fact-based discussion.




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