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From Nigel Farage to David Cameron: politicians fooled by pranksters

From Nigel Farage to David Cameron: politicians fooled by pranksters


David Cameron has been filmed talking to a Russian imposter posing as a former Ukrainian president, but he is not the only politician to be pranked by pranksters.

The Foreign Ministry said the callers were clearly Russian, adding that the disinformation was a tactic taken straight from the Kremlin playbook.

He now joins a string of politicians, world leaders and celebrities who are being duped by impersonators and pranksters.

Russian prankster duo Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stolyarov are among the most famous pranksters, with a modus operandi that involves impersonating leaders or high-ranking officials.

Here, The Independent has compiled a list of politicians who have been deceived by impersonators and pranksters.

Suella Braverman Pranked to Win Bitch of the Year Award

Suella Braverman wins “D*** Of The Year” award for The Last Leg farce

Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman was tricked into accepting a comedy show's D*** of the Year award while launching a small boat in her constituency.

Pranksters invited the Tory MP to officially launch Fareham Fishing – a fake angling business – as part of a segment on Channel 4's Last Leg programme.

Ms. Braverman unknowingly accepted an invitation from YouTube pranksters Josh Pieters and Archie Manners.

As she cuts a red ribbon with her head turned, the two pranksters unveil a sign that reads, The Last Legs D*** of the Year 2023, Suella Braverman.

Nigel Farage was misled into saying he was pro-IRA in the RA

Nigel Farage was tricked into saying 'Up the RA' on Cameo

Nigel Farage was duped into reading a message supporting the IRA by scammers targeting him on video message site Cameo.

The politician reads a birthday message and is seen raising his glass and saying the RA in a clip on the video-sharing platform.

He was later confronted by Irish news presenter Claire Byrne over the comments.

Ms Bryne shared the clip on her RTE One show and explained: “I want people to see how much you know about the history and culture of this island. »

After the broadcast, she said: To the RA, Nigel?

I know you said sorry and I know you got £87, it's totally your right to do that, but come on.

Don't try to lecture the Irish people about culture, history and the precarious nature of peace on this island, you have no idea.

Kwasi Kwarteng and Matt Hancock offered to help fake Korean company

Undercover Donkeys investigation reveals MPs charge $10,000 a day for consulting services

Former chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has offered to facilitate a fake foreign company meeting with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a clandestine interview.

Mr Kwarteng was involved in a hoax organised by campaign group Led By Donkeys, in which he was approached to provide political advice to a fake company in South Korea.

Mr Kwarteng said he would accept outside consulting work for the firm for a rate of $10,000 per day.

Former health secretary Matt Hancock said in a separate interview that his daily rate was the same five-figure amount.

The attack by anti-Brexit group Led By Donkeys led him to set up a company called Hanseong Consulting, including creating a website featuring fabricated testimonials and paying for a supposedly fake virtual office in the South Korean capital, Seoul.

Nigel Farage victim of Brexit prank call live on LBC

Caller pranks Nigel Farrage on LBC

Nigel Farage was the victim of a live radio prank when a caller said he had changed his mind about staying in the EU after being kicked in the head by a horse.

On Mr Farage's LBC show, the man, who gave his name as Mark, began by thanking Mr Farage for his political work in recent times.

“I am immensely grateful to you for everything you have done in British politics over the last few years,” Mark told Mr Farage, before explaining how he had switched sides in the Brexit debate.

As Mr Farage nodded, Mark told him: “Then something monumental happened. »

Mr Farage then asked: And what was this monumental thing, Mark?

To which he replied: I was kicked in the head by a horse.

Sensing that the answer was not entirely honest, Mr Farage said: “Okay, very good, okay, very good. Thank you, Mark, I was going to move on.

Boris Johnson was tricked into 18-minute call with man pretending to be Armenian PM

Boris Johnson lets himself be fooled by Russian pranksters

Boris Johnson was duped into discussing the UK's relationship with Russia with people posing as the Armenian Prime Minister.

An audio clip posted online by Russian pranksters Lexus and Vovan appeared to show the then foreign secretary talking about the UK's relationship with Vladimir Putin and the poisoning of the Skripals with the two men, who were pretending to be for Nikol Pashinyan, then recently elected political leader.

The Foreign Office said Mr Johnson ended the call when he realised it was a hoax and issued a stern statement condemning the duo's childish actions.




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