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Fact-checking the first presidential debate of 2024: What Donald Trump and Joe Biden said during the CNN presidential debate

Fact-checking the first presidential debate of 2024: What Donald Trump and Joe Biden said during the CNN presidential debate


The first electoral debate of the 2024 season has begun. US President Joe Biden and his Republican rival, Donald Trump, face off as the candidates try to appeal to currently undecided voters.

Both candidates will talk about their own results in office and their plans for the next term, and both candidates will likely try to present their results and plans in the best possible light.

ABC News fact-checks Biden and Trump's statements in real time.

January 6 uprising

TRUMP'S CLAIM: “I offered him [House Speaker Nancy Pelosi] 10,000 National Guard soldiers. And she refused them, and the mayor of Washington, in writing, refused. The mayor of Washington, DC, refused. I proposed 10,000 soldiers because I saw that I had practically nothing to do. They asked me to go give a speech.


The final report of the bipartisan committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol determined there was “no evidence” to support the claim that Trump gave the order “to have 10,000 soldiers ready for January 6.”

The report cites President Trump's Acting Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller, who directly refuted this claim under oath, saying “there was no direct order from the President” to have 10,000 troops ready for the 6 January.

The report notes instead that when Trump referred to that number of troops, it was not to protect the Capitol but that he had “floated the idea of ​​having 10,000 National Guardsmen deployed to protect him and his supporters from any perceived threat from left-wing counterprotesters.”

Inflation and the economy

TRUMP STATEMENT: “He also said he inherited 9% inflation — no. He inherited almost zero inflation and it stayed that way for 14 months and it exploded under his watch because they spent money like a bunch of people who didn't know what it was…”

FACT CHECK: This is mostly true. In January 2021, when Biden was inaugurated, year-over-year inflation was about 1.4%. Under Biden, year-over-year inflation peaked at 9.1% in June 2022. But it has now fallen to 3.3%. Under Trump, inflation rose 7.76% between January 2017 and January 2021, and year-over-year inflation peaked at 2.9% in July 2018.

TRUMP STATEMENT: “[Biden] mandates created. It was a disaster for our country, but other than that, we had – we had given back a – a country where the stock market was actually higher than it was before covid and nobody thought that was even possible.

FACT CHECK: It’s not clear. The Dow first hit 30,000 on November 24, 2020. But that was after the last presidential election. So it’s hard to say whether that’s because of Trump’s presidency or Biden’s victory.


TRUMP CLAIM: Democrats “support abortion up to and including the ninth month” and argue that some Democratic states have adopted such a position.

FACT CHECK: False. Democrats have never advocated killing a baby after birth, as that would constitute murder, which is illegal in every state. Nine states have no restrictions on abortion; however, it should be noted that late-term abortions are extremely rare, accounting for 1%, according to KFF.


TRUMP CLAIM: “We have the highest number of terrorists coming into our country right now.”

FACT CHECK: Vastly exaggerated. Trump appears to be referring to the growing number of migrants on the federal terrorism “watch list” encountered at the border. The number of people encountered by border officials on the watch list increased from three in Trump's last full year to nearly 100 in Biden's first full fiscal year. However, the Terrorism Screening Dataset, maintained by the FBI, includes the names of individuals suspected of having ties to individuals who may be affiliated with a foreign terrorist organization. This is not an exhaustive list of real terrorists.

TRUMP'S CLAIM: We have a border that is the most dangerous place in the world, considered the most dangerous place in the world, and he opened it, and these killers are coming into our country, and they're raping and killing women.

FACT CHECK: False. The reality is that there is no evidence of a major increase in crime caused by recent arrivals. The president's claims ignore the fact that, overall, crime is down across the country. According to the latest FBI statistics, released quarterly, murder and rape rates overall decreased by 26% in the first quarter of 2024 (through March 2024) compared to the same period last year. There is also no evidence that significant numbers of migrants come from psychiatric institutions or prisons.


TRUMP CLAIM: “The Paris Agreement was going to cost us a trillion dollars, China nothing, Russia nothing and India nothing. It was a scam by the United States and I ended it because I didn't want to waste that money because they treated us horribly.”

FACT CHECK: Not entirely true. On his first day in office, Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, according to a State Department memo. 196 countries signed the Paris Agreement, agreeing to work together to limit the impacts of climate change and global warming. Under it, the most developed and wealthiest countries pledged $100 billion to support developing countries that are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Biden pledged to work with Congress to authorize $11 billion to contribute to the $100 billion Paris Agreement funds to support developing countries that need help adapting to the impacts of climate change. By 2023, the United States was on track to meet this goal, with $9.5 billion committed to fund global climate initiatives, according to the State Department.

Military and foreign policy

BIDEN CLAUSE: “The truth is, I'm the only president in this century who hasn't had the best decade to have dead soldiers anywhere in the world like him. »

FACT CHECK: According to the Washington Post's analysis of U.S. military records, at least 65 U.S. service members have died during the Trump presidency in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen.

With the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 and the end of direct military operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the death toll among U.S. service members has declined. However, they are still at risk, as evidenced by the 12 Marines and one sailor killed in the August 2021 suicide bombing at Kabul airport during the Biden administration’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Three U.S. service members were killed and 47 others injured in the January 29, 2024, drone attack on a U.S. base in northern Jordan by Iranian-backed militias. These groups have carried out more than 168 attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria, allegedly to support Hamas in its war against Israel.

TRUMP'S CLAIM: “We got… lots of credit for the military, no wars and a lot of other things. Everything was fine.”

FACT CHECK: Requires context. While it is true that Trump did not formally declare war on any foreign power while in the White House, he has significantly increased military action in Syria and Iraq in the fight against ISIS and has also authorized the airstrike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, putting the country on the brink of direct conflict with Iran. Pentagon records also show that at least 65 U.S. troops were killed in combat during Trump's term.

Hunter Biden's Laptop

TRUMP'S CLAIM: “It's the same thing: 51 intelligence agents said the laptop was Russian disinformation. It wasn't that, it came from his son, Hunter. It wasn't Russia .”

FACT CHECK: During the final presidential debate of the 2020 cycle, Joe Biden suggested that the contents of his son’s laptop hard drive—which was dubbed “the laptop from hell” by the New York Post and other conservative outlets—were “garbage” and a “Russian factory.”

Biden's claim that the laptop's hard drive was a “Russian factory” was an apparent reference to a letter signed by 51 retired intelligence officials who wrote that the timing of its appearance “exhibits all the classic hallmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Several of those signatories have since said Biden misinterpreted the language in their letter.

Additionally, earlier this month, prosecutors in Hunter Biden’s criminal trial in Delaware introduced the laptop into evidence — and in one of the trial’s most theatrical moments, they showed jurors the physical MacBook Pro 13 that Hunter Biden allegedly abandoned at a Wilmington computer repair shop in April 2019.

“Ultimately, by examining this laptop, were investigators able to confirm that this was Hunter Biden's laptop? prosecutor Derek Hines asked an FBI agent who testified as an expert witness.

This story is updated as the debate continues

The Associated Press and ABC OTV contributed to this report.

Copyright 2024 ABC News Internet Ventures.




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