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Modi in perpetual state of denial, forcing president to read lies: Kharge | India News

Modi in perpetual state of denial, forcing president to read lies: Kharge |  India News


Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge on Thursday said that listening to President Droupadi Murmu's maiden speech in a joint session of both houses of Parliament drafted by the Modi government, it seemed as if Modiji was in a perpetual state of denial.

The people rejected Prime Minister Narendra Modi's slogan of over 400 and moved the BJP away from the figure of 272, which Modiji cannot accept, Kharge said in an article on X. That's why he claims that nothing has changed, but the truth is that the people of the country had asked for change, he said.

Kharge said that overall, Modiji is making a vain attempt to garner applause by forcing the honorable president to read lies, which the people of India rejected in the 2024 elections.

Although Kharge said he would give a detailed reply in his speech in the Rajya Sabha, his post on NEET scamIn the last 5 years, out of 66 recruitment exams conducted by the NTA, document leaks and massive rigging took place in 12 exams, due to which more than 75 lakh youths were affected, he said. declared.

The Modi government cannot shirk its responsibility by simply saying that we have to rise above partisan politics, he said.

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There is no mention of the five main issues even once in the entire speech, he said. He said that the prices of essential food items have shot up, food inflation has been over 8.5 per cent for the last 4 months, prices of atta, dal, tomatoes, onions, milk – everything is terribly high and household savings are at their lowest in 50 years. But the word inflation is absent from the entire speech.

Regarding the violence in Manipur, he said: 221 people lost their lives in the violence in Manipur. 50,000 people are still homeless. The flames of violence have now spread to peaceful districts like Jiribam, while extortion and kidnappings have increased in Imphal valley and other areas. But the BJP CM is still shamelessly clinging to his chair. There have been no concrete initiatives for peace and normalcy.

Under the subheading on horrific train accidents and the plight of train passengers, Kharge said the Modi government had not mentioned the West Bengal train accident in the President's written speech.

The government has not learnt any lessons from the horrific Balasore rail tragedy. The much-publicised Kavach protection is installed on only 2% of the tracks, while according to the NCRB, there were over 100,000 deaths due to train accidents between 2017 and 2021, he said.

On the terror attacks in J&K, he said the Modi government has endangered our national security with 2,262 terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir in the last 10 years resulting in the death of 363 civilians and 596 soldiers. In recent years, targeted attacks have been carried out on Kashmiri Pandits but the Prime Minister is singing the false tune of Naya Kashmir.

Referring to the surge in atrocities against Dalits, Adivasis and minorities in the BJP-ruled states, Kharge said that during the elections, Shri Modi's speeches repeatedly confirmed the fact that the ideology of the BJP/RSS only aims to divide society. In BJP-ruled states like Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Uttar Pradesh, after the Modi government came to power, incidents of mob lynching, mobocracy, communal violence and illegal justice bulldozed into the homes of the poor have increased unabated. The ruling party cannot maintain stoic silence on this issue.

Among other opposition leaders, SP leader Akhilesh Yadav questioned the government's claim that India is the world's fifth largest economy.

The story that is being told that India has become the fifth largest economy in the world… has it made our farmers prosperous? If we are the fifth largest economy in the world, why are so many young people unemployed? he said.

On the mention of Emergency in Murmus' speech, he said: What did the BJP do for the people who were in jail during the Emergency? The SP gave them respect and pensions.

TMC MP Mahua Moitra said: “The government's problem is that it is not yet able to understand that it has arrived at 240 out of 303. They prepared the speech on the basis of the majority of 303. With contributions from the PTI




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