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Xi Jinping's Party Fires Former Chinese Defense Minister, What's New?

Xi Jinping's Party Fires Former Chinese Defense Minister, What's New?


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Chinese Communist Party (PLA) fired former Defense Minister (Menhan) Li Shangfu and his predecessor Wei Fenghe. Xinhua news agency said the two men committed serious disciplinary violations due to corruption.

He allegedly received “large sums of money.” He then bribed other people.

“An investigation revealed that he failed to fulfill his political responsibilities and sought personal gain for himself and others,” the report said, citing the Communist Party Central Committee which ordered the investigation, cited Friday (6/28/2024).

“As a senior party and military cadre, Li Shangfu betrayed his original mission… betrayed the trust of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission… and caused serious damage to the party's cause and national defense,” the statement said.

Collect Reuters, Li has actually been under investigation for alleged corruption in military procurement since last year. He was mysteriously ousted as defense minister without explanation in October, just seven months after taking the post.

This is the first time China has explicitly confirmed that Li is under investigation. Includes details on the nature of the crime.

Meanwhile, Li's predecessor Wei has disappeared from public view since he was replaced in a cabinet reshuffle last March. He served as defense minister from 2018 to 2023 and as head of the PLA's strategic rocket forces from 2015 to 2017.

President Xi Jinping, who is also the military's supreme commander, named a new leader and political commissar for the Rocket Forces last July. He carried out a major overhaul of the unit that monitors China's conventional and nuclear missiles.

In the report XinhuaWei allegedly received large sums of money and valuables as bribes. He helps others gain unfair advantages in personnel management.

“These actions are of a very serious nature, with very damaging impacts and extraordinary losses,” he said.

“Li and Wei also committed other unspecified offenses,” the report said without elaborating.

On the other hand, Li's membership in the national parliament was also revoked after he was expelled from the Central Military Commission, China's top military body, earlier this year. Wei was also expelled from the legislature.

The decision to revoke both of their party memberships was approved Thursday by all seven members of the Politburo, the Communist Party's highest authority. The Politburo also transferred both cases to military prosecutors.

“The Politburo determined that Li had betrayed his original mission and lost the spirit and principles of his party,” it said. Video surveillance.

“It has seriously polluted the political environment and industrial ethos in the field of military equipment and caused serious damage to the party's cause, national defense and armed forces construction,” he said. Video surveillance, quoted the Politburo.

The decision will be confirmed at the party's third plenary session, which will be held from July 15 to 18, during which the resignation of the Central Committee will be officially announced.

It should be noted that the Chinese army has been undergoing a major anti-corruption purge since last year. Where 11 People's Liberation Army (PLA) generals and a handful of aerospace defense industry executives have been removed from their posts in the National Legislative Assembly so far.

Watch the video below:

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