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Biden, Trump trade insults, accusations of lying in acrimonious presidential debate • Kansas Reflector

Biden, Trump trade insults, accusations of lying in acrimonious presidential debate • Kansas Reflector


President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump addressed swing voters Thursday night in the first debate of the presidential campaign, trading insults over their political differences, immigration and those who pose a threat to democracy.

During the debate at CNN headquarters in Atlanta, the two men debated who could do best for Americans over the next four years on a wide range of issues, from the economy to climate change to foreign policy. Each repeatedly accused the other of lying.

At the beginning of the debate, Biden spoke softly on several points, coughed, and gave several somewhat garbled answers. At one point, Biden seemed to lose his train of thought and ended his answer by declaring that we had finally beaten Medicare.

The two men sharply disagreed over access to reproductive rights, including abortion, with Trump saying Democrats' position was radical and Biden saying leaving decisions up to states was terrible for women.

Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, did not shake hands at the start, a break from past debates.

Toward the end of the debate, Trump said political violence was completely unacceptable, while downplaying the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, defending the conduct of his mob of supporters.

Trump initially did not directly answer the question of whether he would accept the results of the election if he lost. Pressed by Bash, Trump conditioned his response.

Hits on personal conduct

Even with rules designed to minimize interaction, the debate moderated by anchor and chief political correspondent Dana Bash and anchor and chief Washington correspondent Jake Tapper had plenty of acrimonious moments.

While Trump has had harsh words for Biden's border policy and Biden has lambasted his predecessor for appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned the constitutional right to abortion, they have reserved their harshest criticism for the personal conduct of others.

Referring to reports that, as president, Trump said veterans killed in action in France during World War II were idiots and losers, Biden invoked his son, Beau, who was a veteran of the National Guard and later died of brain cancer.

My son was neither a loser nor an idiot, Biden told his predecessor, scowling. You're the idiot. You're the loser.

Trump has denied ever making the remark, first reported by The Atlantic and confirmed in other reports.

Biden repeatedly attacked Trump's credibility and truthfulness, saying after one response: “Everything he's said is a lie.”

I have never heard so much nonsense in my entire life, he said in response to another Trump response.

Trump brought up the conviction of Biden's son, Hunter, on federal gun charges this year. He also said Joe Biden could be prosecuted for his performance on border security.

Trump and his legal team argued before the Supreme Court in April that presidents have absolute immunity from criminal prosecution.

Trump's conviction

Thursday's event was the first presidential debate in which one of the participants was a convicted felon.

In May, a New York state jury found Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal cash payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels over an affair she testified that Trump did not want to harm his 2016 election prospects.

Trump has denied the affair and it has not affected his support within the Republican Party, although his conviction on July 11 could affect his campaign strategy.

Trump denied his criminal conviction during the debate and reiterated his position that he had not had sex with an adult film star.

“I did not sleep with a porn star,” Trump said, the first time such words, or anything close to them, have been uttered during a presidential debate.

“I did nothing wrong, we have a rigged and disgusting system,” Trump said. I did nothing wrong.

Trump also answered the question by referring to Hunter Biden.

When he talks about a convicted felon, his son is a convicted felon, Trump said.

Disagreement of January 6

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule within days in another Trump lawsuit, this time over whether presidents enjoy full immunity from criminal prosecution for their actions while in office.

The judges' decision will determine whether a federal lawsuit against Trump for election interference stemming from his actions on January 6, 2021, can proceed.

During the debate, Trump said that on January 6, we were respected around the world, but that changed after Biden took office.

Trump appeared to imply that those who stormed the Capitol were innocent and patriotic, saying that those in prison should be shamed.

Biden said Trump encouraged the people who attacked the U.S. Capitol and the U.S. Capitol Police officers.

If they are convicted, he says he wants to commute their sentences, Biden said, criticizing Trump's behavior that day. These people should be in prison. They are the ones who should be held accountable.

Biden rejected the idea that the people who attacked police and disrupted election certification were patriots.

Division on the right to abortion

Reproductive rights, including access to abortion, have deeply divided Biden and Trump, who argued over whose political party's position was better.

Trump said he agreed with the U.S. Supreme Court's decision earlier this month to let access to mifepristone, one of two drugs used in medication abortions, stand. And he said he would not seek to limit access if elected president in November.

I agree with their decision, and I will not block it, Trump said, adding that the Supreme Court's previous decision to strike down the constitutional right to abortion was a good thing.

“We brought this topic back to the United States and the country is now coming together on this issue,” Trump said. “It’s an excellent thing. »

Trump has said he supports exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the woman.

Biden rejected Trump's characterization of Democrats as radical on abortion policy and said he supports restoring the protections that existed under Roe v. Wade.

“It’s a terrible thing,” Biden said, to leave decisions about abortion access to state lawmakers, comparing it to leaving civil rights decisions to states.

Trump said in an interview with Time magazine published in April that his campaign was close to releasing a policy regarding mifepristone, one of two pharmaceuticals used in medical abortion. The campaign has not yet released this policy.

During an interview in May with a Pittsburgh television station, Donald Trump suggested that he would accept that states limit or prohibit access to contraception. But he quickly responded on social networks.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative-leaning think tank, suggested that another Trump administration could block the shipment of mifepristone by enforcing the Comstock Act.

The group included that proposal and dozens of others in Project 2025, its 920-page plan for a second Trump administration.

The Anti-Obscenity Act of 1873 has not been enforced in decades and is referred to as a zombie law by reproductive rights organizations, but it is still technically a law.

A future Republican attorney general seeking to enforce the law to block the shipment of mifepristone would likely see the law challenged in court, and could likely make it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Mifepristone is one of two pharmaceuticals used in medical abortions, which are approved up to 10 weeks of gestation by the United States Food and Drug Administration. The two-drug regimen accounts for about 63 percent of all abortions in the United States, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

First of two debates

This year's two presidential debates mark a difference from previous years, with both candidates abandoning the schedule proposed by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates.

Biden and Trump then agreed to two debates, one hosted by CNN on Thursday and another on September 10 to be hosted by ABC News.

CNN chose to hold its debate in its Atlanta, Georgia, studios without an audience. The Thursday night debate also took place earlier than any other presidential debate, which traditionally begins in September or October.

The news network created frustration ahead of the debate with the White House Correspondents' Association when it decided to keep the pool, the group of reporters who travel everywhere with the president, out of the room.

WHCA President Kelly O'Donnell released a statement Thursday afternoon saying the organization was deeply concerned that CNN had rejected our repeated requests to include the White House travel pool inside the studio.

The pool is there for the “what ifs?” ” in a world where the unexpected happens, wrote O'Donnell, who is also the senior White House correspondent for NBC News. A pool reporter is present to provide context and insight through direct observation and not through the prism of television production.

CNN rules also stated that neither Biden nor Trump were allowed to bring props or pre-written notes into the debate area.

Each stood behind a uniform podium and was not allowed to interact with campaign staff during the two commercial breaks.

Biden was scheduled to travel to Raleigh, North Carolina, with first lady Jill Biden, immediately after the debate ends. They are expected to attend campaign events Friday morning before heading to New York later in the day.

The Bidens are then expected to travel to Red Bank, New Jersey, on Saturday to continue their campaign before returning to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland.

Trump will attend a campaign rally Friday afternoon in Chesapeake, Virginia. In a statement announcing the event, Trump criticized Biden on inflation, crime, drug abuse and immigration.




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