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Why do India and China continue to fight on this wasteland?

Why do India and China continue to fight on this wasteland?


India retaliated. On the evening of August 29, 2020, troops of a secret Indian guerrilla force, accompanied by Indian Army soldiers, began climbing the slopes of a mountain in eastern Ladakh. These mountains are part of the Kailash Range, a range of rugged peaks, the highest of which reach 6,600 meters, beginning near the south bank of Pangong and extending southeast for about 800 kilometers. Due to the difficult terrain, the heights along the range were left unoccupied by India and China after the 1962 war. But today, almost six decades later, Indian army commanders hoped take control of several of these peaks.

As Lieutenant General YK Joshi, the commander-in-chief of the operation, later revealed in media interviews, the operation, codenamed Snow Leopard, had been planned in response to the PLA incursions. By the night of August 29, Indian troops were in possession of a strategic mountaintop. The next morning, Indian tanks had climbed a mountain slope several kilometers southeast of the range, allowing the Indian Army to occupy a high mountain pass known as Rezang La, a strategic location overlooking a Chinese garrison stationed at Moldo on the other side of the range. By the time the PLA was able to move its equipment and troops up the slopes on its side, Indian troops already had the advantage.

The action was well planned, well thought out and executed, creating complete surprise, Joshi said in a video interview with Nitin Gokhale, a veteran Indian military journalist who runs a foreign affairs website called Stratnews Global. (The Indian military has not officially released any information about the operation, but I got a rough description of it from Gokhale.) The Indians suffered one loss: Nyima Tenzing, 53, of the Special Frontier Guerrilla Force, created in 1960 to conduct covert operations against China. Tenzing, like the other troops who make up the SFF, was of Tibetan origin and died from a landmine left behind after the 1962 war.

As Joshi explained to Stratnews, India's aim in taking the Kailash heights was to force China to withdraw from areas occupied by the PLA after its incursions earlier this month. This strategy gave India leverage in negotiations with China and ultimately led to success: in February 2021, the PLA dismantled its structures and withdrew its soldiers from these sites in exchange for the evacuation of Indian troops from the hilltops.

That doesn’t mean the Chinese have given up, though. In fact, the PLA’s military presence in the broader area north of Pangong Lake has increased significantly since 2021. According to a Center for Strategic and International Studies analysis of satellite imagery taken on October 4, 2022, the Chinese have built a new military area. PLA Division Headquarters just north of Pangong, just three and a half miles from the Line of Actual Control. Its support buildings are, CSIS reports, flanked by a multitude of trenches and revetments for storing and securing equipment.




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