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Jokowi's entourage stops ambulances, here are the rules for priority road users

Jokowi's entourage stops ambulances, here are the rules for priority road users


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Circulate a video on X (Twitter) showing it ambulance arrested because they were waiting for President Joko Widodo's automobile group or Jokowi passing by the street in front of RSUD Dr. Murjani Sampit, Central Kalimantan. Also seen in the video is a patient lying down and accompanied by his family.

“Bismillah, destiny to the land of Konoha, astaghfirullah. The patient was taken by ambulance, told to turn off the siren and move aside to let @jokowi's group pass. If the patient dies, what happens?” tweeted the account @NinzExe07, quoted by BetweenThursday, June 27, 2024.

So, does this incident violate the rules?

Rules for road users with primary rights

Based on Article 134 of Law Number 22 of 2009 Concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ), several road users have primary rights. The main rights concerned are prioritized in the following order:

– Fire-fighting vehicles (damkar) carrying out their duties.

– Ambulances that transport patients or sick people.

– Assistance vehicles in the event of road accidents (traffic accidents).

– Vehicle of the management of state institutions of the Republic of Indonesia (RI).

– Vehicles of leaders and officials of foreign countries and international institutions invited as state guests.

– Funeral procession.

– Convoys and/or vehicles for certain purposes according to the considerations of the Republic of Indonesia National Police (Polri) officers.


Vehicles benefiting from the main right provided for in article 134 must be escorted by agents of the National Police and/or use red or blue light signals and sound sirens.“, writes article 135, paragraph (1).

With reference to this regulation, ambulances should have priority over vehicles operated by state institutions.

Then, Article 287 paragraph (4) of the same regulation provides that any person who drives a motor vehicle on the road that violates the provisions relating to the use or main rights of motor vehicles equipped with sound and light warning devices as regulated in Article 134, shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of one month or a fine of up to IDR 250,000.

The palace apologizes

Regarding the obstruction of ambulance routes during Jokowi's visit to Sampit, Deputy for Press and Media Protocol at the Presidential Secretariat (Setpres), Muhammad Yusuf Permana, apologized. “We apologize to the family and the community for this incident and will always remind all security personnel,” Yusuf said in a short message in Jakarta, Thursday, June 27, 2024.

He stressed that ambulances must have priority road access over a series of presidential vehicles in accordance with the standard operating procedures (SOPs). According to him, the SOPs are always conveyed first by the Palace team to the regional security team so that they can be implemented properly while the President is carrying out activities in various regions of Indonesia.

“Often on the road, a series of presidential vehicles are stopped and overtaken by ambulances because it is a priority according to our SOPs,” Yusuf said.


Editor's Choice: In response to viral video of ambulance stopped as Jokowi passes, palace apologizes




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