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Chinese President Xi Jinping calls for global unity in the face of economic and security conflicts

Chinese President Xi Jinping calls for global unity in the face of economic and security conflicts


China's Xi Jinping calls for global unity in the face of economic and security conflicts

China is now signaling its desire to be seen by other countries as a diplomatic heavyweight.


Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday called for building “bridges” in the global economy, as Beijing grapples with economic and security conflicts with neighbors and trading partners around the world.

China will never deviate from the path of peaceful development, Xi said at a conference commemorating China's guiding principles on foreign affairs first formulated 70 years ago.

China will also not become a “strong” state that tries to dominate others, Xi told conference participants, including former Myanmar President Thein Sein and former Party General Secretary Vietnamese communist, Nong Duc Manh.

“Facing the history of peace or war, prosperity, unity or confrontation, we must more than ever uphold the spirit and connotation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,” Xi said.

The Five Principles first appeared in a 1952 pact with regional rival India over their Himalayan border. However, Indian officials were absent from the front row of the public reserved for the guests of honor.

Since the 1950s, China's ruling Communist Party has gone from being unrecognized by the United Nations to having the world's largest diplomatic footprint and presiding over the world's second-largest economy.

Beijing is now signaling its desire to be seen by other countries as a diplomatic heavyweight, even as others accuse it of economic coercion and unfair competition.

After China brokered an unexpected détente between Iran and Saudi Arabia last year, Wang Yi, China's top diplomat, said the country would continue to play a constructive role in handling global hot-button issues .

But Beijing's reluctance to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine and pursuit of a “no-holds-barred partnership” with Moscow pose obstacles to this ambition and have seen China skip a summit on a peace conference in Switzerland at the beginning of the month.

Growing tensions between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, where Vietnam also has claims, have also led U.S. officials to remind Beijing that the mutual defense treaty obligations it has with the Philippines are foolproof.

China's trade relations with the European Union are also under strain as the 27-state bloc plans to impose additional tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles, potentially opening a new front in the tariff war of the West with Beijing which began with Washington's first import duties in 2018.

The EU accuses China of flooding its market with cheap electric vehicles produced by Chinese automakers that have benefited from heavy state subsidies.

“In the era of economic globalization, what we need is not to create chasms of division, but to build bridges of communication, and not to lift the iron curtain of confrontation, but to open the path to cooperation,” Xi said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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