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Delhi airport terminal roof collapses months after Modi's inauguration

Delhi airport terminal roof collapses months after Modi's inauguration


The roof of the terminal building at New Delhi International Airport partially collapsed in heavy rain Friday morning, killing one person, rescuers said, months after the Prime Minister inaugurated a renovation project. Minister Narendra Modi.

Images posted online showed vehicles crushed under giant steel beams at the departures forecourt of the airport's Terminal 1, one of several projects officially launched by Modi in March ahead of the country's general election.

The terminal is used only for domestic flights and airport authorities said all flights departing from it had been cancelled until early afternoon.

“Due to heavy rain since early this morning, part of the canopy… collapsed around 5 a.m.,” they said in a statement posted online.

“Emergency personnel are working to provide all necessary assistance and medical aid to those affected. »

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Other terminals were operating normally, as were arrivals at Terminal 1, he added.

“Eight people were injured, one person died. Rescue operations have been completed,” Delhi Fire Service chief Atul Garg told AFP.

Infrastructure spending has been a priority under Modi, and Delhi Airport – named after his assassinated predecessor Indira Gandhi – is one of the country's flagship projects.

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But safety and construction standards in the country remain a concern. Last year, more than 40 labourers were stranded for nearly two weeks before being rescued after the road tunnel they were working on collapsed in Uttarakhand.

At least 18 workers working on a railway bridge under construction over a ravine in the northeastern state of Mizoram have been killed when it collapsed.

At the scene, Civil Aviation Minister Ram Mohan Naidu Kinjarapu told reporters: “We are taking this incident seriously… I want to clarify that the building inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on the other side and the building that collapsed here is an old building and was opened in 2009.”

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Modi did not take power until several years later, but opposition politicians criticized the prime minister after Friday's incident.

A Congress party spokesman said it had embarked on a “nomination frenzy” ahead of the election, in which Rahul Gandhi's party defied expectations and deprived Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party of its absolute majority in parliament, forcing it to form a coalition with allies.

Gandhi's sister Priyanka, herself a senior Congress figure, posted on social media platform X: “Will the inaugurating chief minister take responsibility for this shoddy construction work and corrupt model?”

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Part of the roof of the Jabalpur airport in Madhya Pradesh – another of the projects inaugurated by Modi – also collapsed on Friday, according to reports, without causing any injuries.

Delhi has been lashed by heavy rains in recent days as the annual monsoon reached the Indian capital after a long spell of heatwaves and extremely high temperatures.

The downpours paralyzed the city, with footage shared by city police showing personnel clearing trees and helping residents stuck in waterlogged areas.





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