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Opposition slams PM Modi over Delhi airport roof collapse: Incomplete inauguration

Opposition slams PM Modi over Delhi airport roof collapse: Incomplete inauguration


Opposition leaders on Friday criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the collapse of part of the roof of Delhi airport's Terminal 1 due to heavy rains, which left one person dead. Terminal 1, which was recently expanded to accommodate more passengers, was inaugurated by Prime Minister Modi in March.

On March 10, Prime Minister Modi inaugurated or laid the foundation stone for 15 airport projects across the country worth over Rs 9,800 crore. Among these projects, the expanded Terminal 1 of Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport was inaugurated. Opposition leaders accused PM Modi of “hurriedly inaugurating” an “incomplete terminal” to campaign for the Lok Sabha elections.

Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge accused the Modi government of “corruption and criminal negligence” in infrastructure projects over the last 10 years.

“Corruption and criminal negligence are responsible for the collapse of shoddy infrastructure that falls like a pack of cards, during the last ten years of the Modi government,” he said.

“On March 10, when Modi ji inaugurated T1 of Delhi airport, he declared himself 'doosri mitti ka insaan'. All this false bravado and rhetoric was only for the quick preparation of ribbon cutting ceremonies before the election! Our deepest condolences to the victims of the Delhi airport tragedy. They have borne the brunt of a corrupt, incompetent and selfish government,” Kharge added.

Senior Congress leader Jairam Ramesh tweeted: “On 11th March 2024, as part of his election campaign, if I remember correctly, during his inauguration session.”

National Conference (NC) leader Omar Abdullah has slammed Prime Minister Modi's inauguration of Delhi airport's expanded Terminal 1, saying it was “incomplete”.

“An incomplete terminal “inaugurated” before the model code was imposed earlier this year is starting to fall apart before it was even finished, what a surprise!!,” Abdullah tweeted.

Trinamool Congress chief Saket Gokhale claimed that Prime Minister Modi had “hurriedly inaugurated” the expanded Terminal 1 for the election campaign.

“Shocking and tragic news this morning. The roof of Delhi Airport T1 collapsed this morning and so far three people are reported dead. For election campaign, Modi had rushed to “inaugurate” T1 in March even though it was under construction. Why shouldn't PM Modi be charged with culpable homicide? He is directly responsible for the deaths of three people who lost their lives because Modi was desperate to campaign,” he tweeted.

Responding to the opposition's allegations, Union Civil Aviation Minister Ram Mohan Naidu said, “We are taking this incident seriously. I want to clarify that the building inaugurated by Prime Minister Modi is on the other side and the building that collapsed here is an old building and was opened in 2009.”

The Civil Aviation Ministry said all flights to and from Terminal 1 were closed until further notice following the roof collapse. Flight operations in Terminals 2 and 3 are normal.

“Heavy rain fell early this morning led to the collapse of the glass roof of Terminal 1 of Delhi Airport. As a result, flights to and from Terminal 1 have been closed until further notice. Other arrangements are being made for the smooth operation of flights,” the ministry tweeted.

The ministry said a few passengers were injured in the accident and quickly received medical assistance.

“Few passengers were injured. They quickly received medical assistance on site and those who were transported to hospital are regularly monitored,” the statement said.

The Delhi Fire Brigade said it received a call about a roof collapse around 5:30 am. At least four firefighters were dispatched to the scene to respond to the emergency, he added.

Civil Aviation Minister Naidu said he was personally monitoring the situation at Delhi airport.

“Personally monitoring the roof collapse incident at Delhi T1 Airport. First responders are working at the site. We have also advised airlines to help all affected passengers at T1. The injured have been evacuated to the hospital “Rescue operations are still in progress,” he tweeted. .

Published by:

Prateek Chakraborty

Published on:

June 28, 2024




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