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Xi Jinping speaks of “modernization” and “reforms” of China, at a critical moment of crisis and real estate tributes

Xi Jinping speaks of “modernization” and “reforms” of China, at a critical moment of crisis and real estate tributes


Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday that his government was considering “important measures to deepen reform”, a few weeks before an important political meeting devoted to the main directions of the economy.

China faces difficulties in reviving economic growth, after the lifting of strict health restrictions against Covid-19 at the end of 2022. The world's second largest economy is affected by the crisis in the real estate sector, continued low consumption and a high unemployment rate among young people.

“We are working today to design and implement important measures to deepen reform at all levels and continue to expand institutional openness to create a business environment in line with market rules, legislation and with international standards,” Xi Jinping said in a speech. “China's modernization, with a population of more than 1.4 billion, means the emergence of a gigantic market, the size of which exceeds that of all developed countries combined. China's pores are growing will always open wider and will never close,” he stressed. , writes Agerpres.

For Xi Jinping, the word “reform” is most often understood in the sense of economic adjustments, rather than changes, notes AFP. It can also mean the reorganization of certain structures of the state or the army. The authorities have already adopted measures in the real estate sector in recent months to try to resolve the crisis.

A major meeting of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), generally devoted to major economic directions, will take place from July 15 to 18, Chinese state media reported Thursday. Analysts expect measures to support activity following this key meeting, initially scheduled for last fall.
Xi Jinping spoke in Beijing on Friday at a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the initiation of the “Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,” one of the cornerstones of his foreign policy.

“We will work to find Chinese-style solutions to major issues and to play a constructive role,” with regard to Ukraine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and even Iran or Afghanistan, the Chinese president promised.

China is regularly criticized by Western countries for never having condemned Russia for invading Ukrainian territory. However, this requires respect for the territorial integrity of all states, including that of Ukraine.

Furthermore, the Asian giant intends to play an increasing role as mediator in conflicts in the Middle East.

Publisher: GM




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