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Indonesian President Orders Audit of Data Centers After Cyberattack

Indonesian President Orders Audit of Data Centers After Cyberattack


JAKARTA: Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Friday (June 28) ordered an audit of government data centers after officials said the bulk of data affected by a recent ransomware cyberattack was not backed up, exposing the vulnerability of the country to such attacks.

Last week's cyberattack, Indonesia's worst in years, disrupted several government services, including immigration and operations at major airports.

The government said more than 230 public agencies, including ministries, had been affected, but it refused to pay an $8 million ransom demanded to recover the encrypted data.

In response to the cyberattack, Indonesia's state comptroller said the president had asked him to examine the country's data centers.

The audit will focus on “governance and financial aspect”, said Muhammad Yusuf Ateh, who heads Indonesia's Development and Financial Controller (BPKP), after attending a cabinet meeting led by Widodo on Friday .

Hinsa Siburian, an official who chairs Indonesia's cybersecurity agency known by its acronym BSSN, said 98% of government data stored in one of the two compromised data centers had not been backed up.

“In general, we consider that the main problem is governance and that there is no alternative solution,” he told a parliamentary hearing on Thursday evening.

Some lawmakers have rejected this explanation.

“If there are no reinforcements, it's not a lack of governance,” said Meutya Hafid, chairman of the commission overseeing the incident. “It's stupidity.”

A BSSN spokesperson did not immediately respond when asked whether it would be possible to recover the encrypted data.

Indonesian Communications Minister Budi Arie Setiadi said the ministry had backup capacity in data centers, but it was optional for government agencies to use the service.

He said government agencies had not backed up data due to budgetary constraints, adding that it would soon become mandatory.

The cyberattack sparked criticism of the minister on Indonesian social media.

Digital advocacy group SAFEnet launched a petition calling for Budi's resignation, citing his lack of accountability for repeated cyberattacks.

Budi sent Reuters a separate petition asking him to remain a minister when asked to comment on calls for his resignation.

The minister told parliament that a “non-state actor” seeking money was behind the attack and that government services should be fully restored by August.

Hackers use software to encrypt data and ask victims to pay to restore the data. Indonesia said the attacker in this particular incident used existing malware called Lockbit 3.0.




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