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Turkey removed from money laundering gray list as Erdogan steps up fight against illicit financing


Turkey was removed from the money laundering gray list by the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Friday, a move that could improve the country's investment prospects.

In a statement at a meeting in Singapore, the FATF said Turkey along with Jamaica had been removed from the list after meeting the required conditions.

Since the presidential elections in May last year, the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has made an about-face in its economic and monetary policy, moving from an unorthodox policy of low interest rates and high inflationary growth to a new orientation towards attracting foreign direct investment. investment and the fight against inflation.

Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek and new Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya focused on combating organized crime, illicit money trade and terrorist financing.

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The interior minister said in an official statement earlier this month that authorities had arrested more than 3,000 suspects and confiscated properties worth $3.2 billion in operations against organized crime in during the last year. The ministry also arrested 344 suspects who were the subject of Interpol arrest warrants.

The FATF said in February that it had determined that Turkey had substantially completed its action plan and merited an on-site assessment to verify implementation of reforms.

Sources told Middle East Eye that the on-site visit took place in May in a positive atmosphere, increasing the chances in Turkey's favour.

“This is Simsek's biggest achievement beyond his strict fiscal policy mandate,” said an economist working for an international investment banking firm, speaking on condition of anonymity due to restrictions imposed on exchanges with the media.

It was not easy to convince Parliament to ratify such atrocious legal amendments.

The economist told MEE that the removal of the grey list would not bring about an immediate change in the investment climate in Turkey. But it is a positive decision in the medium term for foreign direct investment and investments in Turkish stocks.

Many international companies and funds have a rule not to invest in countries on the gray list. This is important for long-term investors, the economist added.

A 2021 IMF report found that FATF greylisting could have a significant negative impact on a country's short-term capital inflows, potentially costing Turkey around $23 billion each year, according to calculations by the Financial Times.

There are about twenty countries on the grey list and are considered at risk by the FATF.

In February, the United Arab Emirates was removed from the list.




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