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Bengal Chief Minister Mamata writes to PM Modi urging him to abolish NEET

Bengal Chief Minister Mamata writes to PM Modi urging him to abolish NEET


New Delhi: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding the National Eligibility Examination and Entrance Test (NEET). The CM urged the Prime Minister to abolish NEET and restore the old system of conducting this exam by state governments.

“I am constrained to write to you regarding the recent developments regarding the National Eligibility and Entrance Examination (NEET). Allegations of paper leaks, accepting bribes from some persons and officials involved in the conduct of exams, opening of windows to allow some students to apply for exams, grace marks, etc. are some of the serious issues that need full attention and require thorough investigation, clean and impartial such cases jeopardize the career and aspirations of thousands and thousands of students who are looking ahead to get admission to these medical courses,” the CM wrote.

“Such cases not only compromise the quality of medical education in the country but also adversely affect the quality of medical facilities and treatment in the country. In this regard, it is also worth pointing out that prior to 2017, states were allowed to conduct their own entrance examinations and the central government also conducted its entrance examinations for medical courses. This system worked smoothly and was better suited to regional curricula and educational standards. 50 lakh per doctor for education and internships. Therefore, the state should have the freedom to select medical students through the common entrance examination,” she wrote.
The Chief Minister, in her letter, pointed out that the decentralized system was later transformed into a unitary and centralized examination system (NEET) in order to take complete control of all admissions in the country in medical courses without no state involvement. Governments.

“This is completely unacceptable and violates the true spirit of the country's federal structure. Furthermore, the current system has led to massive corruption, which only benefits the rich who can afford to pay, while deserving students belonging “The poor and the middle class suffer and are the biggest victims,” ​​she added.

CM Mamata concluded her letter by stating that she “strongly” urges the Center to consider and take immediate steps to restore the old system of conducting this exam by state governments and abolish the NEET exam. “This will help restore normalcy and confidence of aspiring students in the system,” she added. Notably, amid the conflict over NEET-UG and UGC-NET exams, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Sunday registered a criminal case over alleged irregularities in the conduct of the exam by the NTA and formed special teams to investigate the According to the agency's FIR, some “isolated incidents” occurred in a few states during the conduct of the NEET (UG) 2024 exam, which was held on May 5, 2024.

The NEET (UG) 2024 exam was conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on May 5, across 4,750 centers in 571 cities, including 14 cities abroad, with over 23 lakh candidates appearing for the exam.

An unprecedented 67 candidates scored a perfect 720 points out of 720, sparking widespread protests across the country.

The Ministry of Education said it has constituted a high-level expert committee to make recommendations on reforms in the examination process mechanism, improvements in data security protocols and the functioning of the NTA.




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