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Xi Jinping focuses on the South to reform international governance

Xi Jinping focuses on the South to reform international governance


China is determined to strengthen cooperation with the countries of the South, which are a vital force for promoting human progress at a time when the international community is faced with the choice between war and peace, prosperity and recession, unity and confrontation. The president said: Xi Jinping The work of the conference for the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which have governed the foreign policy of the Asian country since 1954, began today. Appearing for the first time in an agreement stipulated with India in the same year, the principles of peaceful coexistence, respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-aggression, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, equality and mutual benefit were indicated by Xi Jinping as “an unambiguous and effective code of conduct”, which all countries should adopt to promote the rule of law and get along in the current international landscape. Concepts that, for the Chinese president, have demonstrated a “robust and lasting” relevance over the years, and that are configured today as an effective way to resolve differences in the face of “obsolete, narrow, antagonistic and conflicting” mentalities.

The five principles define a set of fundamental rules for peaceful coexistence between countries on the political, security, economic and diplomatic levels, while respecting the social system, ideology, history, culture and dimensions of different nations, which can thus build relationships characterized by “mutual trust, friendship and cooperation”, he stressed. It is in this spirit that China will strengthen its relations with the Global South, which should be more open, inclusive and “take the lead in building a community with a shared future for humanity”. To promote the progress of cooperation, China will establish a research center focusing on the above-mentioned countries, which will also benefit from 100 scholarships and 10 training opportunities over the next five years. In addition to “making good use” of the China-UN Peace and Development Fund, the Fund for Global Development and South-South Cooperation, the Fund for South-South Cooperation on Climate Change, Beijing will provide a contribution additional equivalent to $100 million to support agricultural development in the macro-region.

In his speech, the Chinese president also assured that Beijing would not “engage in the wrong path that leads to the search for hegemony” and indirectly responded to criticism from those who accused China of inaction on the main hot fronts on the international scene. We have explored a uniquely Chinese approach to solving these problems and played a constructive role in Ukraine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Korean Peninsula, Iran, Myanmar and Afghanistan, he noted in this regard. Xi's statements were echoed by those of the foreign minister Wang YiDuring a meeting with the press on the sidelines of the conference, the head of Chinese diplomacy reiterated the importance of collaboration in the “new situation that the world panorama is facing”. Each country must find its place and assume its responsibilities in the multipolar world, which must ignore hegemonic tendencies and the clash between blocs, declared the head of Chinese diplomacy, reassuring about Beijing's propensity to collaborate in response to the problems that the different countries have in common.

The former Prime Minister also participated in the work of the conference Massimo D'Alemathat we need, today more than ever, the initiative and courage of the Global South to revive the cause of peace and the fundamental principles of peaceful coexistence. Speaking at the forum From the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to Building a Community of Destiny for Humanity, held on the sidelines of the proceedings, D'Alema analyzed the approaches that have shaped foreign policy over the past thirty years. Until the end of the Cold War, for more than twenty years, the West lived under the illusion that balance could be built around a single power and a single model of society. “In the current conditions, restoring the path to peaceful coexistence will not be an easy task because it requires not only the ability to defuse individual conflicts but also to recreate the conditions for dialogue and mutual understanding,” D'Alema observed. In a world without dominant powers, it becomes crucial to strengthen international institutions that appear more fragile than ever in the face of the tragedy of conflicts. I therefore believe that the sense of responsibility, the capacity for initiative of the powers which emerge or re-emerge in this century will be particularly important, she added.

Also present was the President of the New Development Bank. Dilma RousseffShe said the five principles of peaceful coexistence proposed by China have helped shift from a zero-sum mentality to the pursuit of common prosperity. Rousseff stressed the need for cooperation, particularly in the context of the “new phase of fragmentation that has emerged in the global panorama”, in the face of “ever-increasing inequalities”. The five principles of peaceful coexistence are particularly embodied in South-South cooperation, she said, expressing appreciation for the initiatives proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping to strengthen solidarity among the above-mentioned countries. On the sidelines of the conference, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand said: Don Pramudwinaiformer Prime Minister of Egypt Essam Abdelaziz Ahmed Sharafalongside former South African presidents (Motlanthe's fault), Croatia (Ivo Josipovic) and Slovenia (Danilo Turkish) participated in four forums focusing on the principles of peaceful coexistence, global governance reform and the contribution of China's modernization process to international development.

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