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Trump says calling coronavirus "China virus" is not racist


WASHINGTON President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that in an effort to fight the coronavirus pandemic, he would invoke the Defense Production Act, which will help increase the production of necessary medical supplies such as ventilators.

It can do a lot of good things if we need to, he said about the DPA. No matter what you have, it is not enough. If we have to use it, use it at full speed.

Prior to the White House briefing on Wednesday, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer called on Trump to invoke the law, as did Democratic presidential candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

The White House also announced Wednesday that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will suspend all evictions and foreclosures until the end of April, and that health and social services will issue regulations that will allow doctors to ; exercise across state borders. Vice President Mike Pence asked the Americans to postpone any elective surgery and officially announced that the United States and Canada have mutually agreed to close the border to all non-essential travelers.

Trump also called the coronavirus a Chinese virus at the press conference and argued that it was not a racist term. When a reporter noted that dozens of Chinese Americans have faced racist attacks because of the virus in recent weeks, the president has doubled.

It's not at all racist, no. Not at all, said Trump. It comes from China.

There are a lot of things we still don't know about the coronavirus epidemic. Our newsletter, Outbreak Today, will do its best to put everything we know in one place register here. Do you have questions you want to answer? You can always contact us. And if you are someone who sees the impact of this first hand, we also like to hear from you (you can contact us via one of our peak line channels).

A senator, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, has promised to punish China for the virus. We will emerge stronger from this challenge, we will hold accountable those who inflicted it on the world, it said last week.

Asked Wednesday if he agreed with Cotton, Trump said: I don't know if you would say that China is to blame. Admittedly, we couldn't test it very early. It would have been useful to have known this earlier.

As the press conference drew to a close, a reporter asked for a tweet from CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang, who wrote TuesdayThis morning, a White House official spoke of the #Coronavirus like Kung-Flu in my face. Makes me wonder what they call it behind my back.

Trump bypassed the question of whether he thought the remark was appropriate, and doubled his previous comments, repeating: This is from China.

When asked if he thought well-connected people like celebrities and athletes had priority access to testing, Trump said he didn't think it was. But, he added, "It may be the story of life. It happens on occasion. I noticed that some people were tested fairly quickly . "

Trump also encouraged people to follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and not to congregate in large groups.

I want people to be calm, said Trump. Were going to win this. It is only a matter of time.

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