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“Why is Narendra Modi ji running away from the debate? »: LoP Rahul Gandhi launches scathing attack on govt following NEET controversy

“Why is Narendra Modi ji running away from the debate?  »: LoP Rahul Gandhi launches scathing attack on govt following NEET controversy


Taking the Narendra Modi-led NDA government head on, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi today said the government was not interested in having a debate on the ongoing controversy over leaks of examination papers, and the dreams and aspirations of millions of students are crushed and ridiculed.

Taking to social media, Gandhi shared a video in which he said, “There has been a disaster as far as NEET is concerned. People have earned lakhs of rupees. Students' aspirations have been destroyed and ridiculed.” He further pointed out that as the LoP, he had tried to raise the issue in the room but was not allowed to speak. He pointed out that yesterday, during the meeting of the leaders of the opposition bloc INDIA, he had demanded that a day be set aside in Parliament to discuss NEET. “My proposal has received unanimous approval from the opposition, but it seems that the government is not interested,” he said.

Gandhi also noted that after yesterday's meeting, the opposition wanted to have a constructive debate today. “It is unfortunate that we were not allowed to do so in Parliament today. This is a serious concern that is causing anxiety to lakhs of families across India. We urge the Prime Minister to debate this issue and give students the respect they deserve,” he wrote on X.

The Congress on Friday alleged that Rahul Gandhi's microphone was intentionally switched off while he expressed concerns over the leaked NEET document during a Lok Sabha session.

A video posted on X by the Congress showed Rahul Gandhi asking President Om Birla to access a microphone to address the NEET controversy and demand a statement from the government.

Speaker Om Birla responded by clarifying that he does not control the functioning of MPs' microphones and stressed that discussions should focus on the Speaker's speech, as well as other matters not officially recorded in the House.

In a tweet, the Congress criticized Rahul Gandhi's alleged silence, contrasting his advocacy on youth issues with what they described as attempts to stifle dissent on crucial issues like NEET.

The NEET-UG 2024 exam, marred by allegations of question paper leaks, has triggered nationwide student protests.

During the session, Congress MP KC Venugopal moved an adjournment motion in the Lok Sabha to resolve the paper leak issue. However, the Speaker reoriented the agenda to discuss the motion of thanks for the President's speech.

Amid uproar in the Lok Sabha, the proceedings were adjourned till July 1.

Government sources defended their position, saying that moving an adjournment motion during the motion of thanks to the President's address was unprecedented and unnecessary. They reiterated their willingness to address concerns over NEET despite the procedural dispute, India Today reported.




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